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2019-09-10 10:53:37 [info] -> Bot started
2019-09-10 10:53:37 [info] -> alerts.ini file loaded from C:\Users\하진\Downloads\Exiled Bot Beta v0.79g\Configuration\default\alerts.ini
2019-09-10 10:53:37 [info] -> config.ini file loaded from C:\Users\하진\Downloads\Exiled Bot Beta v0.79g\Configuration\default\config.ini
2019-09-10 10:53:37 [info] -> coordinates.ini file loaded from C:\Users\하진\Downloads\Exiled Bot Beta v0.79g\Configuration\default\coordinates.ini
2019-09-10 10:53:37 [info] -> flasks.ini file loaded from C:\Users\하진\Downloads\Exiled Bot Beta v0.79g\Configuration\default\flasks.ini
2019-09-10 10:53:37 [info] -> pickit.ini file loaded from C:\Users\하진\Downloads\Exiled Bot Beta v0.79g\Configuration\default\pickit.ini
2019-09-10 10:53:37 [info] -> skills.ini file loaded from C:\Users\하진\Downloads\Exiled Bot Beta v0.79g\Configuration\default\skills.ini
2019-09-10 10:53:37 [info] -> system.ini file loaded from C:\Users\하진\Downloads\Exiled Bot Beta v0.79g\Configuration\default\system.ini
2019-09-10 10:53:37 [info] -> game.ini file loaded from C:\Users\하진\Documents\My Games\Path of Exile\production_Config.ini
2019-09-10 10:53:37 [info] -> DirectX: auto, Resolution: 800x600
2019-09-10 10:53:37 [info] -> Running state priority: 36
2019-09-10 10:53:39 [info] -> Selecting character..
2019-09-10 10:53:44 [info] -> Running state priority: 36
2019-09-10 10:53:46 [info] -> Selecting character..
2019-09-10 10:53:52 [info] -> Running state priority: 36
2019-09-10 10:53:54 [info] -> Selecting character..
2019-09-10 10:53:59 [info] -> Running state priority: 36
2019-09-10 10:54:01 [info] -> Selecting character..
2019-09-10 10:54:06 [info] -> Running state priority: 36
2019-09-10 10:54:08 [info] -> Selecting character..
2019-09-10 10:54:13 [info] -> Running state priority: 36
2019-09-10 10:54:15 [info] -> Selecting character..
2019-09-10 10:54:21 [info] -> Exiting bot


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Same here 0.80 0.79 and all prior versions - FIX IT PLEASE It's like the bot doesn't see in what state the game is, and all he wants to do is login that character. No matter if its login screen, character selection screen or if he's already in game. Win10 64 Bit all C++ and shit installed.

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P.S. It's not just me having this issue but multiple people on the forum are reporting this, which in turn support blames on us. While the issue persist, so far I've been unable to use the bot since I paid for it apart a brief moment when it worked just right after I paid for it, this was over half year ago.

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