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Pickit Problem with gems

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Hi i got a problem with my pickit.. the bot still grabs all gems.. even if i tell him to just pick up Q-Gems, even if i comment out all gems in the pickit, even if i tell him to force sell the picked up gems.. any help with this ?


Pickit Gems section


//                                                                                 //
//                                  G E M S                                        //
//                                                                                 //

// For quality gem, use the setting Min Gem Quality from Pickit tab of GUI

// White Skill Gem

// [Type] == "Portal" // Drop Only Gem
// [Type] == "Detonate Mines" // Drop Only Gem

// Red Active Gem Skill

// [Type] == "Abyssal Cry" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Ancestral Protector" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Ancestral Warchief" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Anger" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Animate Guardian" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Cleave" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Decoy Totem" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Determination" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Devouring Totem" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Dominating Blow" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Earthquake" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Enduring Cry" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Flame Totem" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Glacial Hammer" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Ground Slam" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Heavy Strike" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Herald of Ash" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Ice Crash" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Immortal Call" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Infernal Blow" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Leap Slam" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Molten Shell" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Molten Strike" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Punishment" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Purity of Fire" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Rallying Cry" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Reckoning" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Rejuvenation Totem" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Searing Bond" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Shield Charge" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Shockwave Totem" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Static Strike" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Summon Flame Golem" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Summon Stone Golem" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Sunder" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Sweep" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Vengeance" # [ForceSellItem] == "true"// Gem
// [Type] == "Vigilant Strike" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Vitality" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Warlord's Mark" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem

//Red Support Gem Skill

// [Type] == "Added Fire Damage Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Blood Magic Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Bloodlust Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Brutality Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Burning Damage Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Cast on Melee Kill Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Cast when Damage Taken Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Chance to Bleed Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Cold to Fire Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Damage on Full Life Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Elemental Damage with Attacks Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true"// Gem
[Type] == "Empower Support" // Drop Only Gem
// [Type] == "Endurance Charge on Melee Stun Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Fire Penetration Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Fortify Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Generosity Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Increased Duration Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Iron Grip Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Iron Will Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
[Type] == "Item Quantity Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Knockback Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Less Duration Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Life Gain on Hit Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true"// Gem
// [Type] == "Life Leech Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Maim Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Melee Physical Damage Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Melee Splash Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Multistrike Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Ranged Attack Totem Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Reduced Mana Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Spell Totem Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Stun Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Vile Toxins Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem

// Green Active Gem Skill

// [Type] == "Animate Weapon" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Arctic Armour" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Barrage" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Bear Trap" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Blade Flurry" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Blade Vortex" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Bladefall" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Blast Rain" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Blink Arrow" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Blood Rage" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Burning Arrow" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Caustic Arrow" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Charged Dash" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Cyclone" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Desecrate" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Detonate Dead" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Double Strike" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Dual Strike" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Elemental Hit" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Ethereal Knives" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Explosive Arrow" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Explosive Trap" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem (Dex/Int)
// [Type] == "Fire Trap" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Flamethrower Trap" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem (Dex/Int)
// [Type] == "Flicker Strike" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Freeze Mine" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Frenzy" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Frost Blades" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Grace" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Haste" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Hatred" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Herald of Ice" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Ice Shot" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Ice Trap" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Lacerate" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Lightning Arrow" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Lightning Strike" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Mirror Arrow" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Phase Run" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Poacher's Mark" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Projectile Weakness" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Puncture" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Purity of Ice" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Rain of Arrows" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Reave" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Riposte" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Seismic Trap" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem (Dex/Int)
// [Type] == "Shrapnel Shot" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Siege Ballista" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Smoke Mine" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Spectral Throw" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Split Arrow" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Summon Ice Golem" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Temporal Chains" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Tornado Shot" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Viper Strike" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Whirling Blades" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Wild Strike" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem

// Green Support Gem Skill

// [Type] == "Added Cold Damage Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Additional Accuracy Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Blind Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Block Chance Reduction Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Cast On Critical Strike Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Cast on Death Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Chain Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Chance to Flee Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Charged Traps Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem (Dex/Int)
// [Type] == "Cluster Trap Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Cold Penetration Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Culling Strike Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Deadly Ailments Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
[Type] == "Enhance Support" // Drop Only Gem
// [Type] == "Faster Attacks Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Faster Projectiles Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Fork Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Greater Multiple Projectiles Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Hypothermia Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Ice Bite Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Lesser Multiple Projectiles Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Lesser Poison Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Mana Leech Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Multiple Traps Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Physical Projectile Attack Damage Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Pierce Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Point Blank Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Poison Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Slower Projectiles Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Swift Affliction Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Trap Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Trap Cooldown Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Trap and Mine Damage Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Unbound Ailments Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Void Manipulation Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem

// Blue Active Gem Skill

// [Type] == "Arc" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Arctic Breath" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Assassin's Mark" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Ball Lightning" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Blight" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Bone Offering" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Clarity" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Cold Snap" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Conductivity" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Contagion" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Conversion Trap" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Convocation" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Darkpact" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Discharge" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Discipline" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Elemental Weakness" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Enfeeble" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Essence Drain" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Fire Nova Mine" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Fireball" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Firestorm" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Flame Dash" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Flame Surge" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Flameblast" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Flammability" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Flesh Offering" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Freezing Pulse" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Frost Bomb" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Frost Wall" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Frostbite" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Frostbolt" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Glacial Cascade" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Herald of Thunder" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Ice Nova" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Ice Spear" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Incinerate" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Kinetic Blast" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Lightning Spire Trap" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem (Int/Dex)
// [Type] == "Lightning Tendrils" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Lightning Trap" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Lightning Warp" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Magma Orb" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Orb of Storms" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Power Siphon" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Purity of Elements" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Purity of Lightning" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Raise Spectre" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Raise Zombie" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Righteous Fire" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Scorching Ray" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Shock Nova" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Siphoning Trap" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem (Int/Dex)
// [Type] == "Spark" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Spirit Offering" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Storm Burst" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Storm Call" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Summon Chaos Golem" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Summon Lightning Golem" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Summon Raging Spirit" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Summon Skeleton" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Tempest Shield" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Vortex" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Vulnerability" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Wither" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Wrath" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem

// Blue Support Gem Skill

// [Type] == "Added Chaos Damage Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Drop Only Gem
// [Type] == "Added Lightning Damage Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Blasphemy Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Cast when Stunned Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Cast while Channelling Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Chance to Ignite Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Concentrated Effect Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Controlled Destruction Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Curse on Hit Support # [ForceSellItem] == "true"" // Gem
// [Type] == "Decay Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Efficacy Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Elemental Focus Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Elemental Proliferation Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
[Type] == "Enlighten Support" // Drop Only Gem
// [Type] == "Faster Casting Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Immolate Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Ignite Proliferation Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Increased Area of Effect Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Increased Critical Damage Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Increased Critical Strikes Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Innervate Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Item Rarity Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Lightning Penetration Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Minefield Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Minion and Totem Elemental Resistance Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Minion Damage Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Minion Life Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Minion Speed Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Power Charge On Critical Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Remote Mine Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Spell Echo Support" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem

// Vaal gems

// [Type] == "Vaal Earthquake" // Gem
// [Type] == "Vaal Glacial Hammer" // Gem
// [Type] == "Vaal Ground Slam" // Gem
// [Type] == "Vaal Immortal Call" // Gem
// [Type] == "Vaal Impurity of Fire" // Gem (Str/Int)
// [Type] == "Vaal Lightning Strike" // Gem
// [Type] == "Vaal Molten Shell" // Gem

// [Type] == "Vaal Blade Vortex" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Vaal Burning Arrow" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Vaal Cyclone" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Vaal Detonate Dead" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Vaal Double Strike" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Vaal Grace" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Vaal Haste" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Vaal Impurity of Ice" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem (Dex/Int)
// [Type] == "Vaal Lightning Strike" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Vaal Rain of Arrows" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Vaal Reave" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Vaal Spectral Throw" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem

// [Type] == "Vaal Arc" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Vaal Blight" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Vaal Clarity" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Vaal Cold Snap" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Vaal Discipline" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Vaal Fireball" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Vaal Flameblast" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Vaal Ice Nova" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Vaal Impurity of Lightning" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Vaal Lightning Trap" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Vaal Lightning Warp" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Vaal Power Siphon" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Vaal Righteous Fire" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Vaal Spark" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Vaal Storm Call" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem
// [Type] == "Vaal Summon Skeletons" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gem


Edited by stussi

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