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New pickit and old problems

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So, I'm loving the new pickit system. Granted it could use a bit of clarification in the explanation (as the examples, and actual given "working" list don't exactly match), but overall I love it.

I'm thinking, with this new system, there might be a way to temporarily patch over the "picking up junk" issue.

I'm assuming that when you're in town, your inventory gets parsed before going on a run, so it knows whether to ID/Sell/Stash stuff. Maybe you could add a parameter such as [Junk] == "true" that prevents the bot from picking it up, while still selling it to the vendor when your inventory is parsed.

With something like this, we could do a blanket cover for all items via [Category] and [Junk] so that the bot recognizes the other stuff in the inventory that you don't want to keep.


[Category] == "Weapon" && [Rarity]

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This might the problem:

[Rarity] <= "Magic"

I think i read in the default picket config file that you CANNOT use with rarity.

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