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GUI not started

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I just get a lifetime license, and download v0.78d. 

C++ and Direct X, when I attempted install, it mentioned I have higher version already, unable to replace. 

When I start the "ExiledBot", there was first pop up on the attached, after I attached to any of the process, then the GUI doesn't appear. 

I restart, start "ExiledBot" again, nothing  happen. 

Please help advice on how to resume the BOT. 

Thank you. 


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i noticed that after what you have done above, it creates a new .exe file with an odd name (i guess it is the name of the limited user)

it looks something like this T3388ruyS

open that .exe, and attach it to a running process. Dont use skype or outlook process as an example. Use something like notepad, ms paint etc.


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