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How to RMT?

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Hi, people. I playing PoE for a long time now, but im interested, how can i RMT without risking of being caught? (or minimize that risk) What kind of precautions can i take to perform that? 

I know it's better to RMT from another, specified for that account, but how can i give currency to that account without connecting it with my main? 

What setup do i need to sell from that account (Virtual Machine, VPN, e.t.c.?)

How can i save my main from being banned?

Please, share you expirience.

Edited by SecretPassage1

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Always trade random rare item for currency is a good tip. Never just have a trade window be like 100ex vs nothing not sure if thats superstition but seems like an easy flag.


I also had a friend who would just unload his currency from 5 bots onto one account to trade it and eventually they caught on with that so they do watch. Just not very closely.

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