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2 problems

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Hey guys. 
Got 2 problems

First: bot keeps attacking corrupted monsters turned into stone (essences), even its not set to activate it (tell me where to set not to attack it)

second: tell me how to configure to avoid these new betrayal thing with gates...bot dying all the time over there

Edited by firenis

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Till it get fixed, I would say allow essence in GUI and then in config.ini change monster timeout for low value, depending on your dmg. (It shouldnt affect bosses.)


To avoid syndicates, you need to play them manually till they spawn in "basement"... When it spawn like that, do not enter, EVER. 

This will make each map to spawn only basement and you will be safe.

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Dont mean to hijack the thread like this but i feel this is the most recent post with someone active who may be able to help me.

My bot is only using mouse 2 and no other button for skills. Doesn't matter which skill i put but whatever is in mouse 2 will get used. AURAS / GOLEMS and movement skill works fine in QWERT cause i will change the setting to reflect those but any other attack skill even straight forward ones like fireball wont get used if its in any other place other then mouse 2.

My mouse 1 is set for movement as recommended , Mouse 2 is main attack but thats all he does. QWERT will never get used even when i set priority to 9 and it has met all conditions such as 2 or more enemies etc. I am at my wits end..

I would greatly appreciate it if anyone can assist.

I have reloaded the defaults and redownloaded 0.77g but to no avail.

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