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State of Botting

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Hi exiled-bot community!

It's been a year or two since I've played PoE. How has the bot been fairing? I'm thinking about reinstalling and picking back up. Are ban waves regular these days? And how has the bot progressed over the past year or so?

I'm sure I can read all about it, but I wanted to see if anyone in the know could fill me in quickly and let me know if it's a good time to come back. I know ExileBuddy went dark a few months ago, and I'm wondering if that's lead to more third-party support here.

Thanks in advance!

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Bot was detected 2 leagues ago. Now its banwaves when GGG hit red button. Alcapone (Exiled bot Developer) stated, that nothing has been done yet vs bot detection. So bot on ur own risk and NEVER on ur main account. Bannes used to happen every few days last league.

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On 12/29/2018 at 4:33 AM, pon4ik said:

Bot was detected 2 leagues ago. Now its banwaves when GGG hit red button. Alcapone (Exiled bot Developer) stated, that nothing has been done yet vs bot detection. So bot on ur own risk and NEVER on ur main account. Bannes used to happen every few days last league.

Thanks for the heads up man!

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