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BOT on VMware

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Hello everyone, please help.

I can't run the bot on a virtual machine VMware.

Tried to use VMware 7, VMware 12.

Tried to use Win7, Win10, WInXP.

Install: vc_redist, direcX.

PoE doesn't want to run.


Error: unable to creaer rtt backing Texture

I cry real ((((


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using directx11?

if not I'd highly recommend and try again. (:



well, since here is a topic about Botting on VMw.


I also do have one or two question regarding stabilised fps.

1. how do you guys keep fps >30 


2. how many RAM ur calculating for VMw with PoE & Bot?  ( my VMw using 5GB memory O_o )

oh and 3rd, does the effect of VPN compares to Proxy server is significant while botting? I've somehow only used Proxy-Server and have no idea about VPN's and their performence while botting.

Merry Christmas to all of you (: <3

Edited by GamerGirl96

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Coming back to the game after a long while gone. I am getting the same error. DX11 works just fine but DX9 and 9EX do not work and the bot needs to run in DX 9. Does anyone have a solution to this or any idea of one?


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i have solution for you guys. I was fighting with it for few days now.

- Install VM v.15 with windows 7 (must be x64) (im using Windows 7 SP1 X-lite x64 [USB 3.0SATA] [UEFI] v1 (by yahooIII) [ENG] (June 2016) )

-Set windows to best performance and instal VMware tools.image.png

- i recommend to set 2 cores and 4GB-5GB ram for virtual machine (lower setup for ram sometimes crash poe for me idk why, you can try lower it to 3GB or 2GB for testing maybe it will work for you) 

- Install direct for POE folder "_CommonRedist" and after insert direct 9 version from exiled slack in POE folder >>>  https://exiled-bot-group.slack.com/archives/CB033EKMF/p1545991202443700?thread_ts=1545411747.066400&cid=CB033EKMF


-use the low settings as you can and set direct to 9ex:


-and it should work



Edited by konosek
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Thanks Konosek for moving this forward,

11 hours ago, konosek said:


what is meant by this what is this//Group.Slack.com?

I don't have access to Slack group.. I don't think.


anyway, might be important to mention that you are using Steam version of poe not all of us recognize _CommonRedist from steam.

Thought all  was good till I d/led from poe.. and noticed missing file folder. Quick fix other than original DL taking over an hr. man side note steam downloads so much faster than POE web.. for real.

quick questions:

So my d3d9 from sys32 folder is no good, or is that link you provide required?

Did you do all windows updates?

edited: could you proved desktop resolution/or suggested resolution?

what video card are you running as I think this has a huge factor on rtt data also is your display VMware Vram default @ 1g?


Edited by AppleJax

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Well im using GTX 1080ti , but i also tested it on my old Radeon 7770HD with 2GB

- I setup 1GB in VMware graphic memory.

- I didn't do any windows 7 updates at all.

- I set resolution to 1024x768



- you can join slack server with link on main website exiled bot or just use this link https://join.slack.com/t/exiled-bot-group/shared_invite/enQtNDE4NDQ5NDI2ODM1LWRjYWI2ZTI3NTgzMTYzODZlNTM0M2QyMjEyMDczMzgxMjY4NWU2YzkyMjk2ZWY3ODlmNTRlYTgyYWMxNTk0OGU

- idk if the regular direct 9 file from windows will work ,just for you i will reinstall my direct 9 again and put original d3d9.dll from system32 to poe folder with 9ex enabled in settings

That's the result:



and now i put d3d9.dll from our slack group and try open POE again:


you just need 1GB or 2GB graphic card, error with "rtt backing texture" is from wrong d3d9.dll file (blame GGG for that)

If you have more question i will try to answer them ;)

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High Hopes, testing with legal copy: en_windows_7_ultimate_n_with_sp1_x64_dvd_u_##

WORKED!! 9Ex.. wonderful!! Haven't got to testing the Bot but.

I added all windows updates/Steam Version/Tested some high end resolutions. No issues at all seems to be working as intend.

Just for kicks i also tested this on a gtx1050 slave machine. LOL nice catch i was totally about to dish out for a 1080ti, my 1060 gets to stick around for a bit longer. Saved me about a grand holding out on an upgrade.. for now!

I couldn't thank you enough so i so please accept, Thanks a million man!



edit: Retested on Windows 10 Workstation,

Used the GGG version / None Steam and works and interned..  1900x# and 800x600, Max/Min video setting and dx9Ex works, bit of over kill i know but man all this headache over a dll file.. good catch.


VMware is now 100% a botting option again.


Edited by AppleJax

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Great to hear men,  i had headache after fighting with vmware for few days XD

Have fun with botting :D

1 hour ago, AppleJax said:

High Hopes, testing with legal copy: en_windows_7_ultimate_n_with_sp1_x64_dvd_u_##

WORKED!! 9Ex.. wonderful!! Haven't got to testing the Bot but.

I added all windows updates/Steam Version/Tested some high end resolutions. No issues at all seems to be working as intend.

Just for kicks i also tested this on a gtx1050 slave machine. LOL nice catch i was totally about to dish out for a 1080ti, my 1060 gets to stick around for a bit longer. Saved me about a grand holding out on an upgrade.. for now!

I couldn't thank you enough so i so please accept, Thanks a million man!



edit: Retested on Windows 10 Workstation,

Used the GGG version / None Steam and works and interned..  1900x# and 800x600, Max/Min video setting and dx9Ex works, bit of over kill i know but man all this headache over a dll file.. good catch.


VMware is now 100% a botting option again.



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Thank you very much for providing all the tutorials for VM.

Today successfully launched DX9 POE in VM in garena TW.



Edited by zxc85697800
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Any idea on how to get better fps on poe manual gaming on vmwear ? I have amd ryzen 5 6 core 3.5,  gtx 960 8gb vm on windows 10. vm os I have try'd window 7 and 10.

Edited by ExBot

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8 hours ago, ExBot said:

How do I get the dll file ?

Apparently from the Slack server. There is a link to it on the main page of the forums.

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