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Need feedback on the bot from users, what issues you have?

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I am coming from the Buddy forums and I've been botting with their bot for a week or so.

First thing that happens after you use their bot for 1 hour is that your account gets flagged for no currency drops. Your account wont ever again get wisdom scroll, trans orb, chance orb, alch orb, fuse, scour, chaos, gcp, divine, exalt - NOTHING ever again.

No matter if you used the bot on a new account or old/supporter one.

Do you have this flag on you using this bot?

Second thing is that you are gonna get banned.

If you look at their forums - a lot of people are complaining about constant bans.

When I came here - I almost don't see any threads about bans.

Are they getting deleted/moved or this bot is actually 100 times safer than ExileBuddy?

Third - what's the condition with this bot?

With Buddy bot I was able to level several characters up to 70lvl without any issues, setting the bot clear mud flats, then clear upper prison, then clear cavern of anger and the bot finds it's way there.

I just stop it to pick the stuff in Mud Flats, then kill Brutus by hand, then kill Merv by hand.

So leveling is quite easy.

What's the condition here?

What's the support for builds/skills with Exiled Bot?

Buddy's bots are strongly customizable with plugins and combat routines and what not.

They were my first choice, however the bot is not just unusable, it's a bad idea to use it..

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Hi, I've been using this bot also just for the past week.

The bot is free to try, so you can use a VM/VPN and new account to test.

1 & 2)

I've not gotten flags, and many people have been fine using this.

Do note that that does not imply that flagging or bans are not possible, that is a risk we all take, just by the looks of things, a bit less. Bans may still happen and do happen. Exiled does not use Memory Injection.

The way this bot works (undetectable so far), it relies on GGG to take notice of the account and monitor it to see that it's a bot. Reasons such as "excessive playtime" or "suspicious activity" were stated, but not consistent (some people bot 24/7 for months it seems). Just never create a link between the botting account and your main account. Also never use the same MAC Address and IP Address to create/run new accounts. Creating new accounts without changing your identifiers seems to auto flag accounts (at least for them to monitor).


The bot at the moment is just set to one zone, so progression has to be manual. It's not a high priority for me, since levelling in one area until slightly over-levelled makes it so easy to manually push forward.


Not sure about Buddy, but with Exiled, it's "good enough". combat. I've seen and used more complex bots for other games, but this one still works. No levelling points support though (manual).

Regarding plugins/features, the team seems like they're working on great features atm. Some of the issues that make the bot bug out is slated to be fixed come next version.

The community so far is great here, with hard-working developers. If you try it out and have any issues, just ask in the appropriate forums! (Remember to wait for update/"Go sign" after deployment of 1.0.1 today!)

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As it does not use Memory Injection, it does require keeping "focus" on the game when in operation.

Therefore most users run their bots on separate machines, mostly in Virtual Machines.

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Bot counts summoned units as enemy:( i mean skeletons or gem Domination blow...and when u summon them bot trying kill them al the time...

+sometimes bot stack near corners^^

thats all,i think:)

about features - maybe will be god to loot belts rare and option for using flasks like Speed flask :3 But its free bot,so i cant ask 2much:)

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Yea, it derps out at minions and skel shrines atm

About the looting feature, next release will feature a VERY customizable pickit system!

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