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Working incorrectly, clicking on right side of the screen

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I have done all that was instructed..Kept everything as per the instructions. But when i start the bot it only clicks the top right of the sceen. 
It was promised that i could run it in background but even that doesnt seem to be working. Thats fine but what concerns me the most that its clicking on the right side of the screen and doing nothing.
I have seen many similar posts pertaining to this issue and none of them has been addressed. I am even starting to feel like i got scammed for my money.

Please provide us all a proper solution to fix this. And yes, i am using the latest directx and latest visial c++ versions. So please dont commend "update directx" and dissapear forever.

Thanks and regards,

Anil Simon

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Also,my bot sometimes gets stuck trying to hit an enemy, but its just hitting a rock or a tree with the enemy on the other side and the attacks arent going through, and yes..using ranged attack build  Anything i can do from my side to avoid this?

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