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Everything posted by roneo1234

  1. roneo1234

    v.20 bugs

    Chicken still can't be disabled by setting it to 0, bot relogs when it dies
  2. roneo1234

    [StashItem] == "Tab #"

    Yeah this would help, it is kind of a timesink sorting through stuff
  3. roneo1234

    0.18c bug when bot try to loot.

    This is an issue since the bot has been created. A new looting system is needed to overcome this issue, until then if you want to run maps, don't use iiq/iir mods/items (I know its beside the point of mapping) but that's it, the bot is still developing and perfecting, shortcomings are to be expected. Alk has already stated that he'll be working on a new improved looting method.
  4. roneo1234

    Multiple accounts flagged

    If you haven't changed the vm mac, they will know its you if they look
  5. roneo1234

    A change in looting behaviour

    I also believe there should be a way to read item labels directly from memory, should at least be done for currency/rares/uniques, I'm pretty sure it's doable, actually I know it's doable but I won't mention other stuff here. Looting is such a drag in maps atm especially when there's loads of loot on the ground, I think reading from memory is the way to go, even if it takes some time to implement it is totally worth it.
  6. roneo1234

    17e bug

    Havent had the issue with the stash since 17e, you should do a clean install and reconfig in case you didn't As for item stuck on cursor it's caused by hic-ups in your system, latency lag/fps lag/stutter cause it to happen
  7. roneo1234

    Version 0.17 D Bugs

    Im getting key stuck as well, it never happened before, but for me it's the alt key (loot key)
  8. Yep, its been happening for a while now, cant find any workaround tried tweaking all the settings, it just happens.
  9. roneo1234

    whose ass got banned last night?

    discussed it in shoutbox but yes got 2 banned as well, merc , private static vpn, 20/24 day botting switched between areas every now and then, seems a lot of bans lately
  10. roneo1234

    15 L bugs

    The only thing it picks up is 6s/5l, and it stashes everything it has in inventory, doesnt sell anything.
  11. roneo1234

    15j Pickit Bug

    Same here selling doesn't work Also its cycling through the stash tabs for no reason
  12. roneo1234

    whose ass got banned last night?

    This is pretty good info, means they've been flagging bots for ages now just waiting for the banwave
  13. roneo1234

    whose ass got banned last night?

    lost 6 softcore, botting around 15-18 hrs/day ips banned on the vpn as well catacombs, no friends no guild, did occasional in game trades with other players and talked from it with them
  14. roneo1234

    Back and Forth Issue Poll

    I know this seems weird, and obviously since the priorities are also different it's hard to understand why but everyone else is stating the same scenario , between exploring and looting but I havent watched my bots too much on the 0.15d, been very busy Ill watch em closer in the next few days and see if it still happens
  15. roneo1234

    Back and Forth Issue Poll

    Indeed, there is no option for that to vote in the poll but it is between looting an item and exploring.
  16. NOT in random order, in ascending order
  17. For me it just pauses but doesnt play the sound. What happens is the popup/sound is played only after I unpause with f6... it doesnt come by itself Would be cool if it would just go from trade channel to trade channel in order and we could configure the delays between each trade channel message, can u add that as an option please?
  18. Jody u da man, I already have something simillar but this looks to be better, 8 AM now and havent slept, will test tomorrow either way seems very promissing =)
  19. roneo1234

    Loop finding item on the ground

    It's an old issue and it's not actually a bug it's just that the bot is only able to move the cursor up and down but because of clutter caused by too many items, the item text sometimes moves to the left or to the right of where it actually dropped so the vertical axis is not enough for the bot to reach the item. What needs to be added is something like a function that tells the bot to offset to the left and then go up and down and to the right and then go up and down if it wasnt successful on the tries before, I think it can be implemented, or maybe a different looting algorithm alltogether that can pinpoint items much better.
  20. For some reason, especially after this patch, the bot is picking up A LOT of 5s items that are not 5 linked, it happens a lot, fills stash up in like 3-4 hours with 5socket stuff that isn't 5 linked, but just like 2 links and so on, would apreciate a fix on this, stash fills overnight extremely fast
  21. roneo1234


    Still need guys, 110fg per exalt now
  22. I am interested in buying over 100 exalts on standard with FG at 100fg/each, I can buy over 100 pm me here with your jsp username. If you don't have over 100 but still want to get rid of them at 100fg/each pm me as well.
  23. roneo1234

    Vote the most annoying Bug u want to be fixed first

    running back and forth from loot is deffinitely the worst atm, huge time sink and lost loot, happens A LOT
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