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About stef

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    EB Support

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  1. stef

    Test Account

    yes, It doesn't extend automatically, tho you are fine. Buying monthly to test works.
  2. Check log file. Lastrun Usually you have an aura or buff checked on the gui that he "spams".
  3. stef

    i want to run just grave yard but need help

    There is a global line that responsible for picking up every map, either uncomment it out (// at the start of the line) or delete entirely. thats on the pickit. For what maps to run, you need to make changes to your map.ipd.
  4. hi. im new and im interested on this bot .I read the begginer guide but at leat i dont know how i can obtain the bot...... i have to pay the license ????

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. nameless1


      i already buy the 6 month pack =), but i cant find the download bot .. sorry 

    3. nameless1


      no problem.i find everything

    4. DeadEntrance


      where can i download the bot ?


  5. stef

    Cannot download bot

    Gotta buy a license. Download works fine.
  6. Delete the bot folder, redownload + reconfig You messed up something, probably your pick ipd. Check if you can open the ipd file with the build in editor.
  7. stef

    bot doesn't do maps

    Slack. There is still the old Discord one, but there isn't any activity at all.
  8. stef

    bot doesn't do maps

    well, its your map ipd [Rarity] == "Magic" # [IgnoreMap] == "true" [Rarity] == "Normal" # [IgnoreMap] == "true" This ignores every normal and magic map.
  9. stef

    please recommended How to Set skill totem

    Depending on the build. Cooldown might be important, else he is spamming Totems in a loop. 1000 cooldown = 1 sec. Its in ms (milliseconds)
  10. if you want a 200 IQ play: you can "reverse the order" in the 1st field. instead of 1,2,3,4 just use 4,3,2,1.
  11. stef

    This bot is unusable

    its fully working, not sure what you are talking about.
  12. stef

    0.74c changes (ipd encoding changed)

    ye, should work fine. it worked before.
  13. stef

    0.74c changes (ipd encoding changed)

    don't see much of a problem UTF-8. it was changed to make special letters like ä / ö / ü work.
  14. stef

    Pickit for Abyss Items

    with forcesell anything unique related will be picked up regardless.
  15. stef

    loot filter = bot filter

    well, if your ingame filter is hiding stuff that the bot likes to loot, he is gonna get stuck picking up said item. what the bot loots/id's/sell or stashes, is done through your pickit file and not your lootfilter ingame. at the end of the day you can do whatever you want with your pickit. the sky is the limit. its just a matter of putting the time into working on your pickit. If you want only high profile bases (rares) and ignoring shitty bases, adjust your pickit accordingly. Its honestly not that hard, doesn't require major skills, other than some time to do so.
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