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About Bradbot86

  • Rank
    Bronze IV
  • Birthday 09/12/1980
  1. Bradbot86

    Auto PoE

    yes closing All the diff types of error messages would be wonders! dont know how many times ive came back to the bot, to find it being stuck on error messages. (mainly about EB crashed)
  2. Bradbot86

    Auto PoE

    Thankyou! i have not been able to run my bot efficiently without this tool. This tool is a life saver! and saves me alot of grey hairs
  3. Bradbot86

    Auto PoE

    i rekon they should implement this into the actual Bot. (just setup a config like auto poe uses) within the bot itself.. perhaps this could be a feature they should add?
  4. Bradbot86

    hi to all of you

    Welcome to the Community brother.
  5. yeah worked that out already
  6. As the title says, need a build for fire (firestorm) wiz, as i cant seem to set mine up accordingly without having a tone of deaths that come with it. Skills that it uses, Firestorm, Flammability, Totem, Summon skels, Summon Zombies. (and 2 auras, thats easy to setup ) everytime i try to get it to summon zombies/skels, it thinks its an enemy and forever trys to attack it. If someone could explain to me how to set the bot up with these skills, i would be highly grateful. I look forward to hearing from you's. a screen picture of my current skills. - http://prntscr.com/2a1wcn
  7. Bradbot86

    Marauda Build's

    Ah thanks bro, But what gems etc are needed?
  8. Bradbot86

    Marauda Build's

    the Leapslam build that is the Scion start? "http://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/477-my-merciless-docks-174-iiq-leap-slammer-updated-for-10/" ?
  9. Hey peeps, i am after a Marauda build, thats good, with lots of survivability, and still a walk in the park to take out any foe.. I have looked at some of the builds here, and they just dont seem right to me...and somewhat outdated; I have also checked at a Build website. (pathofpoe) and there builds have alot of bad comments, so this is why i am asking all of you, as (pathofpoe) is all about human play also, and not bot play haha Also, if you's could tell me some Scion builds too that would be great, as i plan on (in the near future) to start one up
  10. Bradbot86

    Auto PoE

    Damn, for me i cant get this to work properly on my VM, i put where the bot's exe, and poe exe is located. and ran auto.exe and it wont load up either one... =\ i must be doing something wrong.. Any advice?
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