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Posts posted by Smith7929

  1. Before my accounts were banned (hah) I was getting ~1 exile per day of basically 24 hour botting. But I will say that my high level bot was very poorly geared and was not intended for botting, and my second bot was only in his 40's. So yeah, I would guess a well prepared bot could do ~2 exile per day on average.

  2. I was banned this morning as well. I was running my ranger on a VM for multiple days without logging off. Honestly, I was just testing GGG's mettle. Unfortunately, they also banned my other three accounts including my mule account. Lesson learned: use VPN's for each seperate bot/mule, and don't expect to not get caught.


    Truthfully I was probably pushing it by running two bots 24/7, but I was a little surprised they caught all the accounts. Very thorough.

  3. Hey, I just wanted to mention, I've taken a course on assembly language and the stuff to the right of the memory values are not comments. They are the ascii representation of the hex values. For example in the third line in the memory window, the values go "40 40 40 ...." and to the right of that column you can see it it "@@@..." Well, if you look at http://www.asciitable.com/ you can see hex 40 = @ in ascii


    As for finding the memory addresses again, hopefully the makers of the bot are able to simply find the block of code that points to the new address. The code should always remain static, so you can find it easier than sifting through hexadecimal >.<



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