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Posts posted by ChiefNoob

  1. you are SO very wrong. I run 7 (Could run 8 but only have 7 license) on my 2600k rig. Absolutely 100% flawless. i travel on the road around the us for 1 week at a time and i run 24/7 those whole weeks unless their is an update.


    Thanks for input guys.



    whats everyones input on running with no case and just straight open air, and pointing a personal little fan directly on the rig to keep it cool? whats a good watercooler also? my 2600k uses a junking coolermaster watercooler i paid 30$ for at microcenter. 


    Don't get watercooler, I documented myself a little, and a 100$ watercooler will perform as a 20-30$ air cooler, it's not worth it. (Also cheap watercoolers are uber crap from my experience, check my post up^ for the cheap aircooler I use, it works great and it comes with termal paste on it as well)

  2. 8-10 VM's on this machine?




    i don't want to be rude, but with VMs so many things can go wrong.


    When i was botting Diablo 3 i had 11 Bots running. No problems or at least only few problems.


    When i started VM’s and PoE i got the best result with only 3 VM’s… you know what i mean?

    Although i used almost every guide for tweaking windows/poe etc.


    My Laptop got similar stats as your setup above, only i7 cpu instead.

    With 4 VMs the fan is at maximum speed and hot air is flowing. 8 VM’s? Never ever…


    I wish anyone here who’s running 7 or 8 Bots FLAWLESS (no stupid swagger) (no crashes, no network troubles, no stuttering) would share his complete setup.


    Not minimal information like "build your rig, use walters guide, set up 8 VM's with win7 lite, download poe and bot, run"


    Because it will NOT work as intended


    You are so wrong my friend, I have 8320, changed cooler, I can run 6 VM+bots+scripts at 70% load, the only reason why I don't run 8 VM's is because I only have 8 GB DDR3. (this CPU is also overclockable if you need to get some extra juice)


    AMD 8 core will get you better multi-tasking performance than I7 and for much better price (since intel does not provide 8 real cores for desktop machines). You could also stretch your budget to get the 8350, it's probably worth the extra 30-40$.


    GPU does not matter that much so don't invest too much into it.



    My complete setup: (Please note this is a dedicated botting rig, I can use it for other stuff but I choose not to)

    120 GB SSD Kingston (a SSD is definetely a must, or multiple HDD's with good speeds)

    AMD 8320 CPU Black Edition (Change stock cooler, that's a MUST, I have http://www.deepcoolglobal.com/product/cpucooler/2013-12/7_512.shtml and I rarelyr go over 30 degrees Celsius even on high load)

    AMD 7770 HD Sapphire GPU 1GB DDR5 (Cheaper GPU's might work as well)

    Gigabyte 970a-ude3 (Mobo must support frequent high transfer rates)

    8 GB DDR3 (I need to upgrade this to 12 if I want to use 8 bots+)

    660W + Bronze Certified PSU Seasonic (This can be lower)

  3. not everyone is good as you and wins every game in arena .


    since only one player can win each fight 



    and in normal play u will win sooner or later just every second game  . 


    he stated that he needs like 12 hours for 100 gold and thats a half day every day . <--- thats no point ?


    I guess you are right 12 hours for 100 gold, but I think in the long run it would be best to run a bot in PoE and buy packs at the end of the month with the money earned from the bot, it probably means more packs than using a bot to farm gold in HS


    My 2 cents

  4. Gold is limited to 100 per day in play mode, why would you need a bot for such a low amount? I play arena and I usually make gold profit from it, you just need to know the game :).

    Before the limit was enabled, I would've liked a bot for it, but now there is no point anymore...

  5. I change territories in act 2 and 3 as well, it's not that important which it is, just make sure it's good mob density, for act 1, I always preffer ledge, act 2, I'm still testing which one is the best, and act 3, sarn city > docks is probably the best


    End-Game Zone to farm: Library (after you finish merciless)

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