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About Tweety

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    Silver III

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  1. Was on a little break, but back in the loop! PM me for Skype!
  2. I would like to address this issue, because it greatly reduces the efficiency of the bots. Fusigs are around 50% of the bot's farming. So running out of wisdoms = lost money.
  3. I will try that. Uncheck Schedule and Autostart - then I click start on EB Tools. Then I click start on AutoPoE and see what happens. What about the bug where the ALT key is being held down? So the bot instead of selling items or stashing them (with ctrl+click) he links them into chat ('cus iof the ALT it's equal to ctrl+alt + click which is linking items into chat)? Is there a fix for that?
  4. Can I use EB Tools + AutoPoE? I was looking at it earlier, but it does't support the mail->get unlock code thingy that AutoPoE does, so I can't replace AutoPoE with EB-Tools. However, if I can run both - AutoPoE for general management, EB-Tools for Unstuck - Item in Cursor and others that it has would be greate. Can I do that?
  5. I've tried every single one of the since 1.1 release AutoPoe version. All didn't work. The one released on 19th of March is the first and only one working.
  6. I am talking about this thing here: http://prntscr.com/32p03v If the game hangs out there, the bot doesn't do anything until I manually click Escape - so I get back on the login screen, and then the bot is able to continue. An AHK scipr that catches that window with the rotating thingy and just clicks Escape buttong ones would do it.
  7. I am talking about this message/window: http://prntscr.com/32oz57 It has a close on the right top corner. When AutoPoE restarts sometimes it fucks up and doesn't properly closes the bot, which leads to this window on top of all others and prevents the new isntance of the bot to to click. Anyone that can amke an AHK script that clicks the close button of that window or is there another solution?
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