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Posts posted by Subtract

  1. same "problem" here.


    many people here claim they got a nice vpn or vps solution but it's only *bla bla*


    If you want nice IP's you have to pay much, i haven't found a single vpn provider who's able to give me multiple connections with each single IP for a good price.


    The one i used already got 1 region IP banned... within 1 day... *applause*

    No one said that its cheap lol. As I said its very expensive, there will prolly no vpn under 5$ (5$ would be realy cheap).

  2. As I understand:


     mean: Pick up Rare Chest, then identify and check if it has:

    - at least +60 max life mod


    - at least 25 cold res


    - at leat 25 fire res.

    So - if even one of this conditions is not true (for example if it is +70max life, 30% cold, 30 % lightning rare chest) bot will sell it.


    Instead && use II (if it works correctly).


    Your rule should look like:

    [Category] == "Chest" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [base_maximum_life] >= "60" && ( [base_cold_damage_resistance_%] >= "25" II [base_fire_damage_resistance_%] >= "25" )


    This will change cold/fire conditions from AND to OR...


    Can someone tell if this reasoning is true?

    The op wrote more rules... The bot checks all rules, till one rule is true if none is true it will sell the item.

    At op yea it works like you wrote it will stash it because of the 3. rule.

  3. But how wouldn't that leave me still with 1 IP?

    Your server has only 1 ip no one can get lol. Well but yea therer are some providers look here (But that would mean only 1 bot per vpn account):






    Oh well it seems like you do not really what a vpn is. You should read something about vpns in general first before even using one.

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