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Posts posted by attan

  1. Become an Elite, and this question becomes irrelevant. 


    Think of it this way - How much do you make an hour? For me, the cost of an Elite membership is less than an hours pay. 


    Now think of this - How many hours of mindless grinding has this bot done for you? 


    Even if you are working a minumum wage job, and I mean BARE minimum, you will have paid for this bot in less than 3 hours. If you grind it out for three hours while you are at work -- this bot has paid for itself. Time is money. Cliche but true.


    I personally did not buy this bot to play a week early, I bought it because these guys get up and code all day long so I can smoke a bowl and sit my ass down in front of the TV with my wife while the bot levels me. Then when my friends call me and want to do maps - guess what? I am equal or higher level than my friends who grind, and I buy better shit because my constant grinding gets me currency. I appreciate the time it gives me to do other stuff.


    tl;dr - My donation = My appreciation.

    100% agree!

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