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About aeiz

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    Elite User

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  1. aeiz

    I'm feeling a little ancient.

    thought i'd pass by and pay a visit, how has everyone been doing? what's been happening with the game?
  2. aeiz

    Hi everyone

    welcome, feel free to pay a visit to the available guides in the forum.
  3. Currently busy to keep prices on my post updated, kindly contact me directly for updated price. Also note that it is best to catch me on Thursdays around 10:00-22:00 (GMT+8), but otherwise feel free to contact me anytime because i have access to skype on the go. For those interested in buying feel free to also contact me.
  4. Currently busy to keep prices on my post updated, kindly contact me directly for updated price. Also note that it is best to catch me on Thursdays around 10:00-22:00 (GMT+8), but otherwise feel free to contact me anytime because i have access to skype on the go. For those interested in buying feel free to also contact me.
  5. For Reference: https://www.paypal-community.com/t5/About-Payments/Known-Issue-Payments-not-appearing-on-sender-or-receiver-s/td-p/1002646?profile.language=en
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