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Posts posted by Starky

  1. if soon bot is not usable people will leave, crack it , or use other bot.

    why you dont put the fucking auth away? its better that everybody can use the bot for now then that the people who paid cant use it.

    im seeing no sense letting authing this fucking shit 


    This tbh, it'll only be temp until issues are resolved, and once they are chances are a chunk of people who'd used it for free will end up buying it anyway.


    I'm generally against people getting anything for nothing, I've made that point a few times on here when people were wanting the bot to be free. However, paying and not being able to use it correctly is far more annoying. I can't access the bot throughout the day, and not once this week has the auth server worked in the morning before I head out. I'm sure Alk is doing everything he can, but the fact of the matter is this is a pain in the ass and couldn't really come at a worse time with the league only starting last week :(

  2. I'm a bit surprised that no one else has posted this;

    Last night at about 10pm GMT I was unable to access this website, and for some reason this also meant that my bot wouldnt activate as elite. As a result I was unable to bot, is this intended? It makes it a bit annoying knowing that this wont affect people who dont pay and just stick to sub-60 chars.

    Also, if this happens during a botting session, will the bot just stop working? (I'm unaware if the bot checks authentication during play or just on start-up) If it does, it would make it quite easy for GGG (or anyone) to RIP a shitload of HC bots all in one hit.

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