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Everything posted by JAMBERTOBBLES


    Bloodlines Obelisks and Animated Guardian

    It has been months and there are still no Bloodlines features in Exiled Bot. There are other bots that work on Bloodlines league, I would really recommend the Exiled Bot Devs take a look at this and fix all of the Bloodlines problems. I like Exiled Bot the best so far out of the available bots, so I really would like to see it do well. Right now though Exiled Bot is terrible on Bloodlines and 30-50% of bot runs are wasted by getting stuck because of Bloodline mods.

    .27b issue

    working fine on 64bit here
  3. Hello Everyone, Every few hours a bot will click some other button other than sell on the merchant menu over and over in a loop. Stopping and starting the bot fixes it temporarily. Does anyone know a permanent fix for this behavior? I have tried setting manual NPC sell coords and it didn't help.

    v0.25 e,f,g , cursor click sometimes has no response

    playing on vanilla and got this with .25i my character died because it wouldn't click the logout button i guess. please help us alkpone! 2015-01-01 17:49:45 [info] -> Attacking monster using mouse_left key at distance : 139.042282 2015-01-01 17:49:45 [info] -> Moving to position(7147.874023, 17966.396484). State Priority: 20 2015-01-01 17:49:45 [info] -> Moving to position(7172.843750, 17944.548828). State Priority: 20 2015-01-01 17:49:45 [info] -> Attacking monster using mouse_left key at distance : 197.306305 2015-01-01 17:49:45 [info] -> Life flask taken 2015-01-01 17:49:45 [info] -> Attacking monster using mouse_left key at distance : 141.835526 2015-01-01 17:49:45 [info] -> Attacking monster using mouse_left key at distance : 99.117523 2015-01-01 17:49:46 [info] -> Attacking monster using mouse_left key at distance : 99.117523 2015-01-01 17:49:46 [info] -> Attacking monster using mouse_left key at distance : 99.117523 2015-01-01 17:49:46 [info] -> Attacking monster using mouse_left key at distance : 99.117523 2015-01-01 17:49:46 [info] -> Chicken state because of Low Life 2015-01-01 17:49:47 [info] -> Chickened like a b!tch !! 2015-01-01 17:49:47 [info] -> Chicken state because of Low Life 2015-01-01 17:49:48 [info] -> Chickened like a b!tch !! 2015-01-01 17:49:48 [info] -> Chicken state because of Low Life 2015-01-01 17:49:49 [info] -> Chickened like a b!tch !!

    Bot Fail

    Sometimes I will come back and find my bots doing this, there is a potion on the cursor and it is just frozen in town with the potion on cursor. only way to fix is restart the bot. This is happening more frequently in version .25h

    hideout selling to master

    Waiting for a fix on this too. Can't bot in hideouts reliably because of this bug. My bots get stuck selling to master clicking purchase or another wrong spot as well. Switched back to botting in towns until hideout master selling is fixed, but this is very dangerous as players in town will see you entering and leaving frequently.

    Bloodlines Obelisks and Animated Guardian

    Alkpone said in the chatbox they were looking at it, but I don't know their progress. An update would be nice.

    Bloodlines Obelisks and Animated Guardian

    Anyone know if the EB team/alk is making any progress on this?

    chaos orb recipe seller?

    Is it possible to script this with EB?

    poe map hack?

    May I ask what do you mean when you say "Currency ban" jps42? They will not ban the botting account, but ban the account from getting currency drops by 99.9% on any character.
  11. Heralds of Obelisk blue monsters die and the bot will attack the invincible totem that they spawn forever. Please add in a feature for the bot to ignore these objects/actors so they will go and attack monsters again. The bot will also attack the invincible animated guardian monster summoned by the Guardian bloodlines mod instead of attacking the rest of the blues to take away the invincibility. Necrovigil can be solved by using a devouring totem or another ability that gets rid of corpses. The other bloodlines mods I haven't had any problems with.

    Piety Probleme

    bump for boss farming fixes please

    Bug on 0.21i

    Hmm, more problems. Now the bot will just run into the corner after my inactivity timer instead of restarting (inactivity timer set for 20s).

    Bug on 0.21i

    nevermind what i said just reinstalled and did settings from scratch and it works now, thanks volrath

    Bug on 0.21i

    It seems like many of the offsets need to be updated for the latest poe patch.

    Bug on 0.21i

    If I deactivate auras, my character just stands near the waypoint and doesn't start exploring, it will also just run into a corner.

    Bug on 0.21i

    Auras are broken after this patch for me too, just runs in corner and doesn't cast it.
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