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Everything posted by Dark

  1. Dark

    Bot Crashing and Resulting in Character Death

    yup bot just crashed in libary level 87 nemesis with 7k hp only way he can die sigh...... never have crashed before
  2. Dark

    Elite Function Town Portal

    It works fine for me.
  3. You answered your own question when you said it is trying to attack the bandit. Don't bot places with bandits.
  4. Dark


    If this is aimed at my post, I never said 100% map clear. What I said was the bot runs to the other side directly to the next zone ect so it can enter next zone, then turn and reset the zone your farming. Then run to wp, go to town and reset back from wp, since some zones do not have two sides. For example The forest and City of sarns. For stash tabs the bot should use your first tab then when it cant deposit it could use the arrow key to the right to switch tabs and deposit into next tab.
  5. Dark


    My only suggestion would be that instead of the % of map cleared chicken. You can have it set to it runs to other side of the zone killing everything in the way, like a normal player would do. Then go through reset and run back to wp. Enter the wp go to the town and stash items, or tp to stash items if full. Also to fix the problem of not having tps have the 1st slot in your inventory a ghost slot that the bot will not put in the stash and that people can have as designated tp slot. Using more then just 1 stash tab would be nice as well thanks .
  6. I currently just run one on hardcore in the forest merciless.
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