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Posts posted by mkpoe

  1. immo.. this is awesome.. i do have a problem when i receive a pm.. i get a popup that says:


    Error:  The same variable cannot be used for more than once control.

    Specifically: v_pmauthors


    Line# 336:  GUI, Add, DropDownList, x21 y300 w130 v_pmauthors, %ListPm%


    The current thread will exit


    I restarted both the bot and the tradespammer... it happens the instant i receive the PM.


    ^^ dunno why.. but that stopped happening.. however the gui bottons for reply , invite to party etc dont work for me

  2. Thanks for the answer Alk but I am using the standard Win 7 theme with Aero. I tried to change to classic trying the things escribed, still no success.

    Bot is opening the tab, picking the map from the inventory and then mouse is going to the top left corner of the POE window. :(

    i had this problem when i copied my old config folder into the new bot, cause i was lazy.. i redownloaded the bot and used the correct files.. and it worked fine..

    did you do the same?

  3. So, my conclusion is that something should be written in the bot that it should NEVER sell currencies to the vendor. Is that possible? It would save the hassle of having to have the above in the smart pickit.

    Nice idea !!

    bool ItemSeller::NeedToSellItem(InventoryItemObjectPtr item)
        bool sellItem = false;
        // If it's a currency just don't sell it
        if(item->GetItemData()->GetItemType() == ITEM_CURRENCY)
            return false;

    and maps!.. i went to bot a map.. and had 2 in my stash.. and when i pressed f12, he went to vendor and sold both my maps...

    today i added all the map names to my pickit

  4. point of going elite is a donation. i have spent hours writing simple scripts, i could only imagine the amount of hours and research they developers put into writing and keeping this bot up to date. 20 bucks to use the bot is a very small price to pay.

    on another note.. the sarn town bug has been a problem for a while. i know they are aware of it. i created a script in the forum that will exit the game and restart the game and bot if he decides to loop up around the vendor area.

    i have let my bot run 24/7 for since dominion and have had no problems.

  5. i do it cuz i simply dont have enough time to put into the game to play the way i want to play

    this + i hate farming.

    selling ingame botted cash for rl money just sux cause ur helping to destroy the game.

    also it doesnt seem like u did get the goal of the game. more dps isnt the main goal of a game...

    funny posting on a bot site that selling is what destroys the game.. because the other half that destroys it is botting.. in theory we all are destroying it.

    i sell in forums, have for years.. and can take that "money" with me to another game.

  6. Doesn't work =( Client closed, restart, but bot doesnt login

    ControlClick, Button1,  ExiledBot Open Beta v0.11b
    Now bot windows name "ExiledBot Open Beta v0.11с"

    May be error here?

    ControlClick, Button1, ExiledBot (Elite)

    ^^ that is what mine says now. when i uploaded it, the 11b was the current bot version.

    if the game is not restarting check the path to your client vs the one in the script.

  7. yes.. that is because of the loop.. it is constantly searching for the vendor name in the image file..

    just increase the sleep time.. i have it set to 200 on default.

    i have seen others complain of similar cpu usages on the gem lvling script.. and that too is because of the looping in the constant image search.

    /e it doesnt bog down my laptop.. but i notice if i go into battery mode, i need to find an outlet sometime soon if i am running this script.. i normally have this and the gem lvling script running at the same time

  8. Wanted to share a SIMPLE script I wrote. Seems I still get bugged in Sarn after TPing back to start another run. My character will run in a back and forth loop in the vendor area.

    AHK Code:

    #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.

    ; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.

    SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.

    SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

    ;Credit to jpbot, I used his enhanced script as a guildline for writing this

    ;Credit to Ratchulas for helping work on the idea for this script

    ;Activate game window

    IfWinExist, Path of Exile ahk_class Direct3DWindowClass




    Goto, maramoa


    ImageSearch, posx, posy, 0,0, 800, 600,*100 maramoa.bmp

    If Errorlevel = 1

    Sleep 200




    Sleep 5000


    Sleep 5000

    ControlClick, Button1, ExiledBot Open Beta v0.11b

    Sleep 1000





    IfWinExist, Path of Exile


    WinClose, , ,2

    Sleep 1000





    IfWinNotExist, Path of Exile


    Run, Client.exe, C:\Program Files (x86)\Grinding Gear Games\Path of Exile

    if ErrorLevel = ERROR


    MsgBox Cant open C:\Program Files (x86)\Grinding Gear Games\Path of Exile\Client.exe



    WinWait, Path of Exile,,3

    WinMove, Path of Exile, 1, 1




    WinWait, Path of Exile,,3

    WinMove, Path of Exile, 1, 1


    loop, 15


    WinWait, Path of Exile,,3

    if ErrorLevel

    Sleep 1000





    In the dowload below I have the above script as well as the maramoa.bmp.

    This script will use image search for the Vendor name Maramoa. If she comes into sight, it will close your game and then reopen and press the start bot button on your exiledbot GUI.

    Please babysit this, it seems to be working ok for me. Crashes game then reloads no problem, and my char will start botting.

    In the AHK you will need to edit the path that your path of exile is located in. This way the script knows where to go to start your game.

    Feedback appreciated.

    Credit to jpbot, I used his EEB script as a guideline for writing this.

    Credit to Ratchulas for helping me develop this idea.


  9. jpbot had an awesome script he wrote for stashing.. unsticking.. i used it for a few weeks.. i remember it would restart if exiled bot crashed.. i searched the script and cut and pasted that section of code he wrote.

    ; --check if eb gui crash !!!




    IfWinNotExist , ahk_pid %EB_PID%


    IfWinExist, %_name_crashbotgui_win%


    writeLog(" Bot crash, restarting...................." )

    _crash += 1

    IniWrite, %_crash%, %A_WorkingDir%\EEB.ini, internal, crash

    SetControlDelay -1

    PostMessage, 0x201, , , Button1, %_name_crashbotgui_win%

    PostMessage, 0x202, , , Button1, %_name_crashbotgui_win%

    Sleep 100



    Sleep 2000

    IfWinExist, %_name_crashbotgui_win%


    WinKill, %_name_crashbotgui_win% , ,2

    Sleep 1000




    ; --simple restart poe and eb !!!




    FileAppend, %A_DD%/%A_MM%/%A_YYYY% %A_Hour%:%A_Min%:%A_Sec% Restart Bot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! `n, log_eeb.txt

    TrayTip, , Restart Bot !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! , 2

    ;~ writeLog("Restart Bot !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")


    Sleep 15000


    Sleep 1000



  10. So you want rare belt to be taken ?

    With stashing I'll probably rewrite the pickit stuff soon to make it fully configurable, however it will take some time for sure, especially because I don't have a good pickit file format yet and all the item mods detection need to be written.

    was wondering if pickit could be done in steps. example.. like this post.. pick up rare belts and keep unid.. dont worry about stats.. dont worry about ID. most money (i think) is made from the recipe to trade in rares. belts seem to be the item holding me up and pretty much is the only thing i would care about picking up separate from anything else.

    chest, gloves, boots, helmets.. drop at a good rate.. i can get all those in one run. belts.. some days i will only get like 3 or 4 in an entire day. but need to babysit, cause stash will fill up with chest and weapons that i have to sell off.

    anyways, just a thought

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