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Everything posted by rodin

  1. rodin

    Where to go after Docks?...

    I wouldnt dare to open strongboxes in beyond, the wrong combination will kill you. As far as exp progression docks, library/catacombs and maps.
  2. rodin

    Running Fragments

    Bumping this, it would help a lot the farm of midnight pieces.
  3. or we can all just set up our coords in some option inside the coordinates.ini, that way nobody is forced to use the same hideout, positons. [hideout] ; Way Point X Y ;Vendor X Y ;Vendor Sequence X Y ;Map device X Y
  4. rodin

    Selling problem

    Diferent quest progression have diferent selling coords, you need to edit your coordinates. https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/1682-guide-for-beginners-exiledbot-compendium/
  5. rodin

    Qual gems Pickit bug?

    If you set the bot to pick a gem in the pickit it will get it dispite quality settings.
  6. rodin

    Where can I get bot source code?

    Well if you are trying to learn I can direct you to a GREAT project of open source bot, it was an old game called Ragnarok Online. This bot "Openkore" was an open source project and it is still active. Best, most complete bot I ever saw/use. You can find all the information here :http://www.openkore.com/index.php/Main_Page
  7. rodin

    Where can I get bot source code?

    I want the source too, gimme plz!
  8. yeah, they will ban and say "you got banned because I didnt like the name of this window".
  9. rodin

    v0.17b Bugs

    I have this too, it is not a 0.17, it was present in earlier version, but in 17 this shit just got way fucking worse. It is like every 4 runs I get 1 of this ghost thing. It is killing the efficiency of the bot.
  10. Not a priority IMO. Better to focus in map farming. Improve how the bot handle the loot with a lot of quantity too, wasting a lot of time goin up and down for every single item.
  11. Did you check the box that says "Enable pickit profile" ?
  12. rodin

    Mirror of Kalandra dropped for me in Ambush!!

    The hate and jealousy is big is this thread, gratz for the mirror.
  13. You have to disable item highlights in the game UI.
  14. Do you guys use autopot multiscript?
  15. GGG fucked up and enabled some items that we are not suppose to get now to drop, they corrected this by roll backing all server by 18 minutes, this item was problably deleted in the roll back.
  16. rodin

    0.16e Keeps logging out

    Non-Elite users can only use the bot below lvl 45, after the lvl 45 you have to buy a license.
  17. it was a poor implementation to try to get chromo recipes. Coment both of this lines [Linked] == "3" # [sellUnid] == "true" // Sell for chroms [Linked] == "4" # [sellUnid] == "true" // Sell for chroms
  18. The "stupidity" part of my post isnt directly related to you, but to all the people that create "magical" detection methods for bein banned. I already saw some saying that if you dont pick uniques items or if you use multistash you will be banned. I would say that is highly improbable that they will use any apm checks since that would cause a shit ton of false positives, would be wayyyyyyyyy worse than the autoban for multiple instances.
  19. If GGG were monitoring any apm to ban people we would all be banned by now, people like to blamme every single aspect of the bot as cause of bans, but they forget the main reason: their own stupidity, I wouldnt worry so much about this.
  20. rodin

    Ver. 16c and 16d have problem on the waypoint

    Check if you are using 800x600 resolution, if you are, you have to manually change the coords for that especific waypoint inside the corrdinates.ini.
  21. rodin

    [Item Log]

    1-Open GGG forum, 2-click your profile, 3- go to stash 4-... 5- profit
  22. rodin

    Chromatic Recipe...

    Yeah, they removed the colour keywords because people were only searching for white sockets and thats racist.
  23. You can use Eb-Tools, you can find it inside our script section.
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