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Everything posted by InfiniteMonkeys

  1. InfiniteMonkeys

    More flask use options

    No, quicksilver flasks and jade flasks stack whereas two quicksilvers don't. You use both at the same time and go way faster than if you just used a quicksilver. As for the second thing, how do I use it? The only options in the flask menu are 'Use below HP/ES/Mana %'. There's no way to use a flask specifically against uniques/rares as far as I can see?
  2. InfiniteMonkeys

    Act 1 to 10 rework or a new bot?

    Do Exiled Bot accept help from users? I would be happy to write this for free if there is an API.
  3. InfiniteMonkeys

    More flask use options

    It would be nice to have a couple more options for how flasks are activated. Specifically: No mobs nearby - for movement flasks other than Quicksilvers, like Jade Flasks with Queen of the Forest, or Adrenaline suffixes. Mobs/rares/uniques nearby - for combat flasks that you want to be used before your character is injured. The first one should be fairly easy since the functionality already exists for Quicksilvers, and the second isn't much more complicated. Would be very helpful if this could be added.
  4. InfiniteMonkeys

    Pickup Sulfite

    +1 You can get a huge capacity now, so the bot could easily be left overnight and collect a huge amount of sulfite. Would be very helpful, and all that needs to happen is for the bot to click on sulfite veins. Would probably take minutes to add.
  5. InfiniteMonkeys

    Chaos Recipe picks up every rare

    I found that eventually. I did read (and modify) it before posting. It's shitty design to have a checkbox that does nothing by default, with the reason hidden halfway into a text file thousands of lines long.
  6. InfiniteMonkeys

    Chaos Recipe picks up every rare

    I'm using the default pickit with chaos recipe enabled (and the other two rare checkboxes disabled). The bot picks up every single rare item, and sells most of them. This is a huge waste of time. Is there any way to make the bot only pick up the items it actually needs for the chaos recipe?
  7. InfiniteMonkeys

    Easier to read skills.txt

    Is it though? It's pretty intuitive I'd have thought...
  8. Doesn't seem to work for me, might be because I'm running it in a VM but everything's set up right and it just doesn't click anything.
  9. InfiniteMonkeys

    [AutoIt Script] Tradespam

    I made a program that can cycle through trade channels and say things/link items, it's not very user friendly at the moment but I figured I'd share it so people can try it out. Maybe you can sell some loot while waiting for the bot to update Setup: 1) Download and install the latest version of AutoIt from here. 2) Download the script here, or copy and paste the spoilered code below into a blank .au3 file and save it. 3) Run the .au3 file by double clicking it. Controls: ` (the button above tab and left of 1): Toggle Controls Use this to toggle the other hotkeys off and on, important because otherwise you'll keep triggering the script when you try to type. Ctrl-t: Add Item Hover the mouse over an item you want to sell, then press this and it'll be added to the list of items to advertise. You'll also be prompted to include a message which will be sent after the item, so you can set a price for example. Shift-t: Set Text This allows you to set the text to be sent before and after items have been linked, for example 'Selling' then 'pm me'. Spaces before and after are automatically added, as is the $ to send to the trade channel. If you don't set this, you'll be prompted to the first time you use the Send Message or Spam Sell commands. Alt-t: Clear Items This will clear the list of items for sale completely, requiring you to add anything for sale again using Ctrl-t. Insert: Send Message This will send the sale message you made with Add Item and Set Text to the trade channel you're currently in. Ctrl-Insert: Spam Sell This will loop through all the trade channels from 1 to 10 and post the same message as the 'Send Message' command above. Shift-Insert: Spam Buy Prompts you for a message, then says this message in all the trade channels from 1 to 10. Useful if you want to buy or trade for something. I know the controls are pretty horrible but this was initially made just for me. I intend to make a GUI at some point but I have zero experience with GUIs so it may take some time or not happen. To Do: Allow individual removal of sale items rather than requiring all items to be removed and re-added. Make a GUI rather than having a load of hotkeys. Feel free to suggest additions/changes.
  10. InfiniteMonkeys

    PoE on VMware?

    On the VMware website I can't find a product just called 'VMware', they all have weird names like 'Fusion' and 'vSphere'. Which one do I need?
  11. An option to set a min and max distance where the bot would try to stay within that distance band away from the nearest enemy would be nice. So you could set it to 300-500 and the bot would try to stay between 300 and 500 away from the nearest enemy.
  12. InfiniteMonkeys

    PoE on VMware?

    I am trying to run PoE on VirtualBox and am getting the error mentioned in the OP. It's on Windows 7, no idea what the problem is: http://puu.sh/4isoa.jpg
  13. Oh I see. So you just send F12 to the bot to pause it while your program does stuff or whatever?
  14. How are you interfacing with the bot? I'd like to fiddle about with it and try to get maps working but I don't know how to communicate with the bot to know when it's running, when it's finished an area etc.
  15. InfiniteMonkeys

    Which Areas are you botting

    Wouldn't that essentially require an entirely separate bot capable of reading memory just like exiled bot can, so that it knows when the map is complete and can pick a new one from the inventory to run etc? I'm not quite at that programming level yet
  16. InfiniteMonkeys

    Which Areas are you botting

    You get less currency drops if you're a much higher level than the area you're farming though. How do you make scripts for this? I can do some programming but I don't see a way to interface with the bot without access to the source since it's just a .exe and a .dll
  17. InfiniteMonkeys

    Which Areas are you botting

    How are you botting maps? I'm too high level to get much xp from even docks now, I can do maps manually no problem but it gets a bit repetitive
  18. I have a potion with a delay of 11900 and the bot automatically changes it to 9999 when I put it in...
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