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Everything posted by okostibi

  1. okostibi

    How to find struct in poe?

    I recommending it them once again. You asked how to find monsters players on a map, those sites will get you started, where is the network handler, what it does, and how you can capture the entity's pointer.
  2. You could still monitor several accounts, and in the gui filter it by account name, that way you could just send an sms or email, when a particular item dropped(you know, to save it before it gets banned or whatever). Everything that poe site returns is json I believe. You need to make your own parser, to only pull the data that you care about, and store it in a real database(sqlite is not my favorite). If you need help with that, give me a pm
  3. I believe this only queries items that are on the character: http://www.pathofexile.com/character-wi ... r=charname
  4. okostibi

    How to find struct in poe?

    http://www.blizzhackers.cc/viewtopic.ph ... 9db7cb08ef Search for: "Unknown object type serialized by server" I recommend reading all the comments, also on ownedcore: http://www.ownedcore.com/forums/mmo/pat ... t-mob.html Although I'm no expert in this field, just started the reversing thing recently, i think i can help you with that question: struct is mostly reversed by reading the actual code(ida, olly, immunity), here is a nice guide on howto handle structs in ida: http://blog.0xbadc0de.be/archives/67 I can recommend reclass 2011 too, it can be helpful to browse the memory, it will be handy at the beginning trust me, also cheat engine Static pointers can be done the same way, reading the code from ida, or you can use breakpoints and trace back in a debugger. If I were you, I would read Reversing Secrets of Reverse Engineering .pdf first (yeah I know it's a pain in the ass, but it does reveal some secrets, and will save tons of time/pain)
  5. okostibi

    Prepared VM for Download

    Turned out DNS problem, dont know the root cause for it, but setting google root dns server( as dns server worked.
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