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Posts posted by pronoooob

  1. do me a favor. Reverse the client, the section where it authenticates the client, the packet, what's that? The mac is being sent along with client authentication?? LIKEOhMyGodNoWai, this is coming from a 12 yr old kid who has too much time on his hands. Who needs a degree? Am I right?

    Sorry have to call you out on this.

    and the sites you are posting for info. And monkey on google can search those and figure it out, read the actual papers written about the protocols.


    GGGG owned u sir Rose

    If you have reversed the client, you will also know that they parse your clipboard.....just food for thought for those out there

  2. 1. yes, but you can only BOT on one account / key at any given time

    2. no

    3. soon

    4. best path finding outta all the bots, doubt will change

    5. not sure never had been asked this b4

    6. there are ways around it

    7. depends on how many accs u are planning to bot.................and which.

  3. what about making this 1 work fine 1st?


    not gonna lie ...laughed so hard I fell outta my chair @ work


    Ah, that explains the slow updates.



    I can't speak for everyone, but I don't see why anyone would want to bot maps. If the bot could run bosses (dominus, piety) FAST (not exploring the whole zone) and stack huge amount of IIR and IIQ then it would be waaaaaaaay more efficient. Only good reason to run maps is for experience and after a certain point you really don't care about bot's level.


    To be honest I think that this bot has maybe 25% of the possible efficiency, and I don't feel like exaggerating at all. Gettin stuck, getting stuck while looting, identifying and selling slowly, bad inventory management,  many many many various bugs (mostly small but hey they add up), not being able to sell rares for chaos recipe (this one's pretty huge), very low customisation (afaik certain other bot's API brings it to the level of Exiled Bot, even though that bot itself is faaaaar behind for the average user), the list goes on...


    I totally understand that PoE is a pain in the ass to make a bot for and you've done a great job, but you really cannot say that the bot is "almost there" (or at least making the impression) when it actually isn't even nearly there. There are soooooo many improvements to be made (and not having an API as I meantioned means that YOU need to do it all yourself, no other way), that it makes me sad to see that youre working on another bot instead :/


    I'm not one much for judging, you surely have your own reasons (mostly money I imagine but hey that is important) and know better, just my honest opinion.


    it is what it is....this bots always been like this and anyone whose been around knows what it is....

    exiled bot is not a forgotted project and will continue to be improved by everyone involved


    that bein said Alk, Walt and I are gonna be on the new website as well ! COME JOIN the FUN! NEGGARS (NA -> Bloodsworn -> Dominion PROLUBES SERVER!)

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