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Posts posted by lastcaress

  1. 1 regret : 2 fuse

    alch 1:8 alt/chrom 1:4 jews/chances.

    alch 1 :1 fuses chisels scours,

    2alch=1chaos 2alch=1regret 22alch=1 divine . divine = 12-15 chaos

    regal 1:1 chaos

    exalt 880 alts/chroms 440 jews/chances 190 alchs, 120 fuses/scours 95 chisels 65 regrets 50 chaos/regals 22 gcp or 5 divines

  2. Im sure this has been asked but is it possible for the bot to leap when hes stuck usually hes stuck at a staircase and wont leap unless i click it would be cool if like 10 secs without killing anything he auto leaped

  3. okay so 1st time using the GUI and for some reason it wont make a new game after its clear?? i set the max game time to 400 and the if no kill timer 60 secs and it just sits there using the random movement??? it seems to kill things alot better with the gui from shreik but i cannot farm multiple times just once :/

    enable_game_automatic_restart=true ; Define here if you want to game to automatically restart when closed. Moreover, true will start the game unpaused and false will start the game paused.

    character_to_use=1 ; Define here which character you want to use in the character selection screen (default : 0, top character).

    run_max_time=400 ; maximum time (in seconds) allowed per run. when timer is reached, exit to login and start again

    monster_no_kill_timeout=60 ; if the bot didn't kill anything during last 300s (default), next instance! (set to 0 to disable this feature)

  4. Well i can get the bot to run a little bit of ledge but then he just stops and does nothing .

    also it seems he can only use one skill which is fire ball i dont know how i can get him to cast 2 endurance chargers then discharge is there a certain way to config the skills to make him use them in a specific order??

    when i got molten shell to work he just constantly spammed it ?

    how about granite flasks ?

    is there a specific class this bot works better with??

    is this bot still being worked on? if so keep up the hard work :D and thx for the helpz

    im going to try and run city of sarn and use the autohot key script from the other post to see if that helps any

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