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Beta Tester
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Everything posted by engel

  1. Same problem going into a corrupted zone
  2. got a problem. cant quite remember the email for one of my chars. any suggestions on how to get it back? i still remember det chars name but not the mail.
  3. engel

    Say hello to the mighty engel :D

    Is there a tutorial for how you used bot on 2 seperate windows? like you did on the D3 bot?
  4. engel

    Say hello to the mighty engel :D

    hehe im going to donate some liked the youtube video of the D3 bot on the site.
  5. engel

    Say hello to the mighty engel :D

    i now understand the meaning by "read before posting"
  6. 2old4thisgame+4 years old from Norway! Played this game alot for a period, but found out the sun was shining outside this summer. So then i found this bot. Looking forward to fully autobot so i can eat, sleep and hang with friends more some questions though. will the bot respond to elemental reflect enemies? is this a scam and will run away with money and never will give out a full autobot for the donators? ps. im not in this for the money. im for utopia
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