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Posts posted by Krzr23

  1. 100usd gets it all


    Imperial Bow



    Physical Damage: 19-78

    Elemental Damage: 34-51 (augmented), 1-80 (augmented)

    Critical Strike Chance: 9.50% (augmented)

    Attacks per Second: 1.65 (augmented)



    Level: 69

    Str: 108

    Dex: 212

    Int: 47


    Sockets: G-R-G-R-R G


    Item Level: 72


    Adds 34-51 Cold Damage

    Adds 1-80 Lightning Damage

    14% increased Attack Speed

    90% increased Critical Strike Chance

    25% increased Quantity of Items Dropped by Slain Frozen Enemies

    50% increased Rarity of Items Dropped by Slain Shocked Enemies


    It hunts; as silent as falling snow, as deadly as the tempest.

    Rarity: Unique

    Lightning Coil

    Desert Brigandine


    Quality: +20% (augmented)

    Armour: 571 (augmented)

    Evasion Rating: 571 (augmented)



    Level: 68

    Str: 148 (unmet)

    Dex: 108 (unmet)


    Sockets: R-R-G-R-G


    Item Level: 73


    Adds 1-27 Lightning Damage to Attacks

    93% increased Armour and Evasion

    +80 to maximum Life

    -60% to Lightning Resistance

    40% of Physical Damage taken as Lightning Damage


    "There's nothing like imminent death

    to galvanize one's purpose in life."

    - Malachai the Soulless.

    Rarity: Unique




    One Handed Mace

    Physical Damage: 76-140 (augmented)

    Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%

    Attacks per Second: 1.15



    Level: 60

    Str: 412 (augmented) (unmet)

    Int: 300 (augmented) (unmet)


    Sockets: B-B-R


    Item Level: 73


    40% increased Stun Duration on Enemies


    82% increased Physical Damage

    Skills Chain +1 times

    39% increased Lightning Damage with Weapons

    +200 Strength Requirement

    +300 Intelligence Requirement

    50% chance to Cast Socketed Lightning Spells on Hit


    Look the storm in the eye and you will have its respect.



    Rarity: Unique

    Divination Distillate

    Large Hybrid Flask


    Quality: +20% (augmented)

    Recovers 612 (augmented) Life over 5.00 Seconds

    Recovers 168 (augmented) Mana over 5.00 Seconds

    Consumes 20 of 40 Charges on use

    Currently has 0 Charges



    Level: 30


    Item Level: 70


    60% increased Rarity of Items found during flask effect

    18% increased Quantity of Items found during flask effect

    25% increased Light Radius during flask effect

    +6% to all maximum Elemental Resistances during flask effect


    Knowledge is fermented in pain and loss

    Distilled with reflection

    To quench the thirst of those

    who dream of enlightenment


    Right click to drink. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refills as you kill monsters.

    Rarity: Unique

    Romira's Banquet

    Diamond Ring



    Level: 60


    Item Level: 64


    24% increased Global Critical Strike Chance


    +333 to Accuracy Rating

    13% increased Global Critical Strike Multiplier

    +57 to maximum Mana

    0.4% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Mana

    Gain a Power Charge on non-Critical Strike

    Lose all Power Charges on Critical Strike


    The Empress gave Romira two sons

    Born of his brother's seed

    Romira threw her a banquet

    A perfidious meal indeed.

    Rarity: Unique


    Onyx Amulet



    Level: 20


    Item Level: 69


    +15 to all Attributes


    +97 to all Attributes

    -4 Physical Damage taken from Attacks


    Mindless rage will shake the world,

    Cunning lies will bend it.

    Reckless haste will break the world,

    And into darkness send it.

  2. Windripper

    Imperial Bow



    Physical Damage: 19-78

    Elemental Damage: 34-51 (augmented), 1-80 (augmented)

    Critical Strike Chance: 9.50% (augmented)

    Attacks per Second: 1.65 (augmented)



    Level: 69

    Str: 108

    Dex: 212

    Int: 47


    Sockets: G-R-G-R-R G


    Item Level: 72


    Adds 34-51 Cold Damage

    Adds 1-80 Lightning Damage

    14% increased Attack Speed

    90% increased Critical Strike Chance

    25% increased Quantity of Items Dropped by Slain Frozen Enemies

    50% increased Rarity of Items Dropped by Slain Shocked Enemies


    It hunts; as silent as falling snow, as deadly as the tempest.

    Would like USD or 45ex

  3. Hey guys,


    So I am building another character for botting ( going to run two bots ) My first is a Crit CI Dagger Reaver, which is not cheap at all has some what good survivabilty but puts out a ton of damage.


    My second which will be one following this guide. I am level 22 after running leveling for a hour and a bit.


    So far the best items for leveling for me have been utilizing Elreons new jewelery that give -8, -8, -9 mana on two rings and a necklace ( necklace for me wasn't available until level 20 ). So, with that being said, buying two redbeaks and using dual strike / cleave speeds up leveling quite a bit. By the time I hit level 20, I was able to use a four linked Dual Strike + Multistrike + Melee Splash + Added Fire . At level 22 I am doing 540ish dps and have about 700hp following this guide and using Wyrms Belt Mana and Health are not a issue ( dual strike costs me 8 mana to cast )


    I will try to keep this updated with my leveling to let you know how easy it is to level and bot using this guide and items I will be using as I hit higher levels. I might pick up a Bringer of Rain or I might run a 5L.

  4. Hey guys,


    So I am building another character for botting ( going to run two bots ) My first is a Crit CI Dagger Reaver, which is not cheap at all has some what good survivabilty but puts out a ton of damage.


    My second which will be one following this guide. I am level 22 after running leveling for a hour and a bit.


    So far the best items for leveling for me have been utilizing Elreons new jewelery that give -8, -8, -9 mana on two rings and a necklace ( necklace for me wasn't available until level 20 ). So, with that being said, buying two redbeaks and using dual strike / cleave speeds up leveling quite a bit. By the time I hit level 20, I was able to use a four linked Dual Strike + Multistrike + Melee Splash + Added Fire . At level 22 I am doing 540ish dps and have about 700hp following this guide and using Wyrms Belt Mana and Health are not a issue ( dual strike costs me 8 mana to cast )


    I will try to keep this updated with my leveling to let you know how easy it is to level and bot using this guide and items I will be using as I hit higher levels. I might pick up a Bringer of Rain or I might run a 5L.

  5. Dual strike Wings of Entropy


    Starting: (Extremely early levels)

    [DualStrike] Not Geared Fully - Magic&Rare Set - RareAcc


    Leveling - having a complete set of at least magic gear:

    [DualStrike] Leveling - DualStrike - RareSet - AllUniques


    Farming - End game.

    [DualStrike] Farming - DualStrike


    Map config - Wings of Entropy (Updated as I go):

    Dual Strike Wings Of Entropy Map Config


    Hope you guys enjoy this as much as I do!

    I'll update this even further once I advance.


    Once the new default pickit is updated I will update it into these pickits


    With the intent of a build that's almost not invested into, I can only conclude that you seem to have fell off in the purpose of your passive tree. At the top-right side of the passive tree, you branch off 8 passive points mainly for 4% block. This does include attack speed, movement speed, and some physical % damage.

    What I've tried to achieve is maximizing physical damage over attack speed. In logic, if you get CC'd hard or stunned (I'm using unwavering stance), you'll probably have one attack (one out of three multistrikes) before it happens. With the %mana & aura nodes, you very rarely run out of mana with haste+hatred. Of course, this is with a level18 reduced mana + int amulet (lazhwar). At super end game, you can remove many intelligence nodes for even more damage after you have mana on the gear that I have able to change for rares (glove, helm, rings, and boots last - 60% mana regen). 


    Keep in mind, I'm using Wings of Entropy - a 2H axe that acts as duel wielding. However, it works with 2H nodes, not 1H nodes. I was able to find the bottom cluster great for 2H + axe nodes. Also there is very little investing into these nodes if any.


    Here is my passive tree.




    5L: DualStrike - MultiStrike - Faster Attacks - Melee Physical Damage - Melee Splash


    Helm: Geofri's Crest

    (Trade once your resistances are capped aside from chaos)

    Armor/Evasion life resists

    life resists 

    iir life resists

    Weapon: Wings of Entropy (5c)


    Amulet: Stone of Lazhwar


    Boots: Goldwyrm. Change last.



    13k tooltip DPS with hatred+haste, level 79.

    Gloves: Slitherpinch (gearing)

    Attack speed preferred


    Rings: Mana leech hp res atkspd


    Belt: life resists


    Also I'm running Flicker strike - Melee splash - Curse on hit - Warlord's Mark.


    Edit: They're all fixed now


    Edit2: Fixed


    edit: fixed gems


    Any update on this ? how is this for running maps ? what is your clear speed like / chicken rate ? I'm running a CI reave crit and it does very well although it does chicken a bit so looking to make a switch. Lack of currency isn't a problem at this point.

  6. Having a ton of problems surviving as a maurder with this build.. Maybe one of you could give me some insight ? I can barely run Library let alone run a map, 5L Koams 220% running hatred with close to max resistances ( will have to work on lightning ) using a mix of gear from the poor mans and the rich mans ( perfect aurasieze's goldwryms ) but it chickens all the time. Could it be my flask settings ? It seems to never use Divination Distillate ever either. Maybe my timing of them is off or maybe my pots just suck in general.. any insight would be awesome

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