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Posts posted by Swarley

  1. @Pepapepa , you are assuming that all of us would actually want to bot act 3 merciless and that its the best place for all (maybe it is, like i care?) . You are correct it will at most be 12,5% penalty in act 3 merciless but how about earlier acts?? act1 merc?? its way to much.

    Yes i am lazy, i don't want to lvl up to fast and have to boost my bot half day and gear it up to often just so i wont get that huge currency debuff.

    Having this feature would be lovely for me.

  2. Been reading your topic here d12 as im also new to the virtual machine(vmware player) and botting while using that software.

    I got my stuff working at first try, but still wasnt satisfied so i looked for a way to optimize the VM and found a youtube video explaining how to make windows eat less memory/work better in the virtual machine.

    Here is the link : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1ZK03c0Wfw

    Maybe you already seen it or know it but still helped me set things up and i hope it will help others trying to set it up aswell.

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