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Beta Tester
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About KevDoesntUseAbot

  • Rank
    Bronze V

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  1. KevDoesntUseAbot

    new update

    So it's not only me. Was raging already... ?️‍♂️
  2. KevDoesntUseAbot

    Cyclone Help Needed

    @Akikazu Could you give me a hint, why my Bot isnt using leap slam? Just walking normally. Used the settings from your left_mouse and leap slam.
  3. KevDoesntUseAbot

    Cyclone Help Needed

    Thank you. Will try when I get home. I thought I did it that way, but... Who knows.
  4. KevDoesntUseAbot

    Cyclone Help Needed

    No, He chose "second bar" below the key. See his screenshots. The ctrl is then pushed by the bot. But that isn't working for me. So I had to give the skills on second bar another keybinding. Like 6,7,8,9, 0 Don't know why...
  5. KevDoesntUseAbot

    Bot not attack boss map

    I am new... So don't really know. Have you checked your map config?
  6. I bought the bot some days ago. Of course there are some starting problems for every one. But I feel something really needs to be improved: The informations and how to get them Most of the forum os old. Several years old. Posts that contain informations that are not relevant anymore need to be archived. It takes some time to read all the stuff and then you find out its outdated and was a waste of time. Is there no manual? Only guides written by other botters? I don't want to be fed. I don't have a problem to get myself some knowledge, but the situation atm sucks. And work on your advertising. Your videos state there is a discord channel to get help. But this seems to be outdated as well.
  7. KevDoesntUseAbot

    Issue with skills

    Hey, one thing I can't get to work is the flame dash. Tried every setting. But Bot hasnt used it once. Can someone tell me the settings? I activated "movement" skill and tried the priority as well as "press shift" This issue was solved by itself... Second problem: I want my Bot to summon golems (two atm). Q and W are the keys. The Bot did it but now stopped somehow and I can't figure it out. Sometimes it seems like the bot fails to load new settings (F11/ stop and restart). Even a restart of the software doesn't change it. So the Bot still uses Keybindings I deleted.
  8. Yes, that would be awesome. Getting another licence for the bot and set up an aura bot for my bot.
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