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Beta Tester
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Everything posted by billionnewt

  1. Thanks! I got it working by reconciling our settings one at a time. Its now working with boss room and everything. I think I pinpointed the issue to the fact that I didn't enter a exe path for my POE game. I didn't think that would matter as I wasn't planning on having it restart on crashes, but apparently it does. Another thing might be disabling metamorph but I don't think that works in maps in the first place.
  2. Thanks, I tried those settings and I'm still running into the issue. Would you mind sharing the rest of the settings other than combat? It seems like my bot has an issue transitioning from map clear to going back to hideout, but has no issue going back to hideout when inventory is full. [info] -> Exploring to position(6860.089355, 25924.818359, 20.756683). State Priority: 2, Path index: 23 [info] -> Screen position to click (X:287.515259, Y:199.037521) [info] -> 13 monsters remaining (Threshold is : 30) and all arena cleared !! [info] -> Already reached destination from current path to follow. <Crash happens here>
  3. Same thing happens when testing with simpler maps like Strand. lastrun_strand.log
  4. So far I haven't been able to get exiled bot to start a new map after completing one. I've been using the same map for testing for consistency, although it happens on other maps as well. Everything works well from the start, to after killing the boss and coming out of the boss room to explore the rest of the map. it looks like after a certain point of completion for exploration, the bot restarts or crashes and its back to the attach process screen. I'm attaching logs from 2 runs of Ley Lines map from the start to finish. It looks like they end at the similar points in the log. I'm using default maprunner and pickit settings, with 100% exploration and 0 mob threshold. Any help is welcome! lastrun_leylines_2.log lastrun_leylines.log
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