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Everything posted by Meningitis

  1. Meningitis

    Still working?

    Not working for me since the update earlier today. Anyone else or do I need to try harder? ?
  2. Meningitis

    Is new bot version safe?

    If you knew as much as you think you do, you wouldn't have to ask.
  3. 0.76 was working fine until the update on Tuesday night. If it wasn't working well before then, I'd say its a setup issue.
  4. Meningitis

    Is new bot version safe?

    I wouldn't say any version is safe when you're botting. If you're not being stupid though (and by stupid i mean running it 24 hours a day or not checking it at least once in a while to make sure it's not clicking continuously on something) you should be pretty safe. Oh, and if you'll be botting a lot you should disable your "sell" tabs and not be in a guild while you're doing it. That's probably the most common way to get your account looked at.
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