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Beta Tester
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Posts posted by Kembo

  1. Hello guys. I will take responsibility to make another topic about this banwawe situation. The most important question for me now is can i continue botting at another accounts or i should stop it before bot update or somethink else? i was lucky, i lost only 1 account (with gear close to 100 ex), but idk what to do now. Give me a tip maybe... 

  2. Я сейчас сижу в шоке, 4 дня проверял работу на картах и 0 реакции, сейчас внезапно заработало. Просто как так... Спасибо

  3. Hello guys.

    I have a problem with my bot, he just does not work after the patch. Im using v0.74g version and this version worked on 3.2.3 poe version, but on 3.2.4 it doesn't work. I already reinstall PoE normal and steam version and set up bot. Now is 5 day when I cant use bot. I hope someone will answer what I'm doing wrong.

    Here is video - 


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