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Beta Tester
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Everything posted by vigaro

  1. vigaro


    How to use First of all, keep in mind that botting permanently will probably lead your accounts to be banned. Indeed, GGG may check your played time during one month and ban you if the amount of time is too high. IMPORTANT : You need to install DirectX End-User Runtime. You can download it here 1) Run the bot in admin mode. Then you need to select a process where to inject it. It can basically be any x86 process, the process needs to be RUNNED IN ADMIN MODE !!. 2) Once bot is attached and GUI pop, configure parameters. You can check config.ini, skills.ini and pickit.ini files for more infos, everything is pretty self-explenatory or you can read the comments when it's not. 3) You don't understand how something works? Hover your mouse over it and you'll get some informations! 4) Launch the game. 5) IMPORTANT : Put the game in 800x600 resolution windowed. 6) IMPORTANT : "Close all panels" key needs to be bound on SPACE (default).
  2. vigaro

    Quad and Currency Stash support

    I think Quad stash in only supported in the way that the bot is able to stash items there..but if for what ever reason it tries to get somethign from the stash(map, currency) it is not able to. So as i get it Currency Stash is the only stash officially supported
  3. vigaro

    need mf picket for t1-t5 maps

    You ofter 3ex on a Bot-Forum? I should give up my anonymity for 3ex? Nice try, Chris!
  4. vigaro

    How s the bot doing?

    If you read the docs, learn how the bot works and start writing your own config files the bot mostly works fine. Bot is not able to handle any trigger/events. Only currency stash is supported and there is no known info about something else If you configure it correctly, yes
  5. vigaro

    Bot is malfunctioning/not working

    ...use the "Search"-Function of the Forum and you will find this problem (AND the solution) to this a thousend times because it is asked once a week or so...
  6. vigaro

    improved stuck detection - dying~!

    even when the bot is able to do every build, it is not recommended to play every build!
  7. vigaro

    Need help setting up skills

    Check the Configuration Guide!
  8. vigaro

    Map tab application!!!

    But most players with fear of god and evil will only bot dedicated accounts that noone cares about and so no MTX will be bought. So i think the time to implement such a useless feature is not worth it. I think there are way more importanted features that need to be implemented rather then a feature that only 3% of player are using!
  9. vigaro

    Very strange bug

    And to make it easier to investigate: Check/Post your lastrun.log from that scenario
  10. What about "Get another Build that is bot viable" ? This is a farmig bot not a "proof of conect poe-Build" bot.
  11. Sharing good accounts increases the chance to be detected! Configuration, Equip and skilltree are information that could make your account detectable! I would also love to get some information about .Platecek's 2EX/Hour build but if every botter is using it it is easier for GGG to find Bot accounts. So never expect someone to share bot information!
  12. vigaro

    Map tab application!!!

    Same as on https://www.exiled-bot.net/community/index.php?/topic/9709-am-i-blind-cant-find-anything-about-new-map-tab/ (Always good to post stuff 2x in different threads) Who has a 15$ mtx on a bot-account? I think it will never be implemented as 99% of people use trash accounts for botting. Never bot your main account!
  13. vigaro

    Pickit stashing problem ?

    Maybe it is just a typo here in the forum but you are missing the Action-Command "#": [Category] == "Gem" # [StashItem] == "true"
  14. vigaro

    Exiled bot review ??

    Spend 8$ and test it!..never was getting an account banned so cheap!
  15. vigaro

    Vault map t9

    Vault was never working!
  16. vigaro

    Abyss features

    oh would be a nice too have but there are Way more important Features that need to be Implemented first(act5-10 Progression, Area Handling in Maps) that would Effect the whole Game Not just temp Content
  17. Setting the Priority to 10 i think is a bad move! Learn how the priority system is working and configure it correctly
  18. vigaro

    Bot isnt working for me

    DirectX9?? Really ? Good to know!....
  19. vigaro

    Bot picking up normal items

    Does the Loot filter effect the bot? I don't think so!(correct me if i'm wrong) You should configure a key to pick up items..so the bot does not pick up stuff while walking around.
  20. vigaro

    Bot not working

    check "lastrun.log" in your log directory!
  21. vigaro

    Is there any possibility to refund?

    Used Bot to make 54634758 EX = 67549 $ Refund Bot = +10$ Profit = 67559$ Nice move!
  22. vigaro

    Not looting Maps

    In normal [Category] == "Map" # [StashItem] == "true" is enought to pick up all Maps! Check if you have enabled the bot to pickup items in general!
  23. vigaro

    WTS Poe Account

    uhhh, nice!!!...a "Free to Play" account that was botted before is available for sale!!!! And the account has a "ALLMIGHTY and POWERFUL Gladiotor with POWERLEVEL 90....unbelievable.... 1.) Botting Account 2.) ??? 3.)Profit!
  24. vigaro

    Stashing Currency Wrong

    Configure your Currency Stash corretly. If your connection has a lot of lag the bot sometimes misses the correct stash as your client response time is to low.
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