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Beta Tester
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Posts posted by Tbolulzftw

  1. i have my computer to run a AHK script at computer start up so it double clicks on a Murgee auto clicking script.

    that auto clicking script starts the bot by right clicking shortcut on desktop, then hits run etc,

    after so long the auto clicker hits stop on the bot (i usually have it set to 2 hours)

    after that it clicks on a AHK script on desktop to run a restart command on command prompt. then bam computer restarts and the cycle continues..


    I go to work for 3-4 weeks at a time and it will be the running the entire time im at work unless the bot needs an update


    i have no exp using AHK or writing any scripts so if i can do it u can do it lol

  2. whats the deal with the bot never running forge and maze t16 maps? i could have an entire tab full of every t16 map,t15,t14,and t13 maps and it runs every one of them except for maze and forge.


    no they r not set on ignore

    its skipping these maps for as long as i can remember 

  3. So in the bots settings I have it to restart Poe client after its been froze for 30 seconds, but quite often I come back to my computer and it's just sitting there with a frozen Poe client doing nothing. And looking at the time log it will sit there for way more then 30 seconds. Sometimes hours. Anyways I have the path right to start bot. It just doesn't recognize the client is froze or something. Anyone else have this issue ?

  4. I can get ahk to load when j restart computer

    After that it double clicks on the bot and gets the main menu open.

    After that the script like doesn't function or something. It just will not click the bots menu. And I tell ahk to hover mouse over it and to click but it'll just hover over it. It fails to actually click the button within the bots menu.


    What's the deal ? What click command should I be using. It's like the click doesn't register with the bot


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