I also was sceptic about this, but I paid that 30$ and I'm pretty satisfied. My only concern is that progression system isn't finished yet, but I still think that it is worth 30$ overall
Hello fellow boters!
It's my first experience with boting.
I've started in last friday. Everyting is pretty much fine. Progression worked nicely with a bit of my help until end of act 2. Now my bot is in act 3, a bit overleveled, so I tought I will make progress myself.
So here is my question: is it safe to play without virtual machine software and just use vpn I use for my bot? I'm using steam for bot and another steam accout for my main. When I'm using vm game looks terrible in it and it has low fps. I want to finish act 3 myself outside VM just with vpn. Is it safe?