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Beta Tester
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About Xzibin

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    Bronze V

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  1. Open slack and you can get faster response there. Map tab has: Map farming settings. Just enable it, use scourge__maps and hideout access via command + enable map upgrading. It will run maps as long you have maps. If there are 0 maps it will run Blood Aqueduct
  2. Xzibin

    Discord or slack?

    Hi. I wanted to ask if there is any way to chat with mods or Al like it used to be on discord/slack. Is it still viable or not really? Please let me know because I would like to quickly read when new release will come in. Thanks
  3. Xzibin

    3.5 Bot?

    Hello. Is there any discord? I wanted to ask if there is bot working under 3.5 patch already? Thanks!
  4. Xzibin

    New bot doesn't make maps

    All bots has exactly the same settings (I have copied them from working bot). 1 bot plays maps without problems, 2 bots do only reliquary without any reason. Settings are exactly the same everywhere
  5. Xzibin

    New bot doesn't make maps

    Hello. Bot is set to keep maximum 30 maps, most of them are white, he has alchs/trans/augs and still choses to play Reliquary instead of maps. Everything is set the same since start of league and there wasn't any problems before. Any ideas?
  6. Hello. I think it would be great if somebody could add feature to upgrade gavels, rock breakers and stone hammers with blacksmith whetstone and sell those gavels with any map. It shouldn't be very difficult to do but it will give much more currency
  7. Xzibin

    Pick only chaos recipe bug

    Hello. Yesterday my pick only chaos recipe got problem. It collects all the items but when i have full set in stash bot won't sell it. When I will reset bot I mean stop and start it will sell this set. Do You know how to fix it? I have 15 rings and amulets + 20 belts and bot just stash them with all set and takes a lot of space in stash. Thanks
  8. Xzibin

    Bot Stucked

    Fixed it! If any1 will have the same problem just check dirext in game. I switched to 11 and it doesnt worked because of that. Try directx 9 and it will be working fine!
  9. Xzibin

    Bot Stucked

    Hello. I have the same problem. Bot worked during night and in the afternoon suddenly goes to the right corner of map. What's the best I have it in laptop and PC. It works on laptop and the same folder (copy paste) stucks on PC. Any solution?
  10. Hello. I have few questions. 1. Is there a way to complete masters missions? 2. Is there a way to use diamond flask? 3. Is there a way to upgrade white strongboxes to blue strongboxes? All the questions are also examples of features that creators of bot might consider to put into bot
  11. Hello. I've made this build, I have 72lvl, no ascendancy and with Bringer 4l like You said I have 3k dps full buffed with all charges. Used the same passive tree. Is it still viable?
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