Your best bet for a more structured guide with community editing is probably an ExiledBot wiki. There are things that come up that are not in the compendium and maybe investing in a structured guide would reduce the repetitive threads / questions as the community updates the wiki with new solutions to problems and proper settings for the bot over time. It'll be much more easily navigable than going through multiple threads to find that one piece of information. Is it necessary? Maybe not, considering people can just keep making threads and go on Discord to receive quick responses. Would it be an improvement to the compendium? Most likely since more experienced ExiledBot users can freely update the wiki to add their experiences with certain issues / settings and fixes to those problems. With the centralized guide, there's a better chance that the answers to simple questions like "how to enable auto gem level" will be found (when I started, I had this issue and I think I read the fix in one of the documents that came with the download and some thread). Obviously, maintaining that wiki and keeping it updated will be something to think about, but the same can be said about the compendium and it all depends on the community involvement.
TLDR: Compendium lacks some key information and not as structured as it could be so an ExiledBot wiki may be a better solution and calls for community involvement.