I got a problem with your "login patterns" I come back after work at 17:00 and go to sleep at 23:00, if I bot in that specific time, it will appear as a player who either comes back from work or school and plays a bit every day in his actual free time. So login in area o 17:30 to 18:40, log out 22:30 - 23:20, like a regular person, Imagine logging times like, 02:00 , 16:00 , 06:00, 20:00. 13:00, 09:00, 23:00 in 3 days, that's a bit strange isn't it, doesn't appear a normal person. in my opinion every bot should have a school time schedule, think about it, 1 week morning times, 1 week afternoon times, Saturday-Sunday all day. The least suspicious of login patterns and you can play 8 hours a day. This super random thing 1 day login in 2 in the morning the next day loging 13:00 is a bit off