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Beta Tester
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Posts posted by snnpt

  1. 3 hours ago, Cron said:

    Awesome! =)

    I started my very first Exile Bot LESS than 24 hours ago! New account. BAM! 


    that sucks. I botted in my main account (which also sucks) for years but this ban wave also hit me.

  2. Left button should be left as default because it's the movement skill. (change your left mouse to move only).
    Earthquake cooldown should be 0, right?

    Priorities sould be:

    Right mouse (earthquake): 7 (Lower its max range, 20/25?)
    Left mouse (move only): 1
    Q (ancestral): 8
    W? (enduring cry): 9 (I also thing that you should change it's max range. 10/15 maybe?)

  3. Are you sure you got maps left?

    Check the map config file, you might only have "blocked" maps. Check both map type and rarity.

    When it's out of usable maps, it will run dried lake (or whatever you've set it to I think) until you have one.


    If you have zana, I would run from hideout, so you never have to enter town.


    My guy is running maps non stop, so it is possible (and I didn't do anything special).

    Does your bot also ugprade map tiers? I can't get mine to upgrade maps.

  4. Do you think you'll be able to introduce that feature in some future release?

    Perhaps something like if no monsters around and there are corpses on the ground then use raise zombie/specters until limit of summons reached.

    Given you can check how many summons are already up.

    Looks like the bot already has a targeting corpse option, though I haven't tried it yet


    I think it's a pretty good high IIR/IIQ build, summons do all the job so you can max out on drops, hence I'm nagging about it.



    you know it actually sorta works cause sometimes i can see my bot running with couple summons here and there, perhaps ill be able to optimize it with cooldowns. we'll see

    Hey did you find a way to effectively bot as a SRS/Zombie?

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