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Beta Tester
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Posts posted by 728093980

  1. Bot will actually already do this for maps by selecting "Explore whole level before taking transition"


    For zones, I'm not too sure this would become a feature.  Most professional botters run end game maps the majority of time, it is what real life players do.  Like what walkingdead said, Dried Lakes is a superior area to farm in terms of zones.

    thx for your reply XD.

    I actually actived the option "Explore whole level before taking transition",but  the bot just keeps on click into the 3 bosses room and chicken again and again.

    I've explained that the Harvest is the best way to farm for us in GarenaTW server for the poor exchange rate here in the above  posts.So the Harvest and the transition problem is really important for botters in GarenaTW  server.PLZ ask alk for some change and help.THX XD

  2. Have you activated the option "always reset instance" on the map-tab?

    If yes: what happens, when you deactivate it?


    And for your worries about efficiency:

    1) Why not farm Dried Lake? To me, it surpasses Harvest in any important way. Area is easy to bot, Boss is not difficult with a decent build.


    2) Considering efficiency, a reset makes sense to me, as the bot finds new mobs right away after resetting. So no long time running around searching for mobs.

    ye, i actually actived the option you said but the bot just  keep on clicking into the 3 bosses room.

    Dried lake is a good open map.But in GarenaTW  server,the currency you get from dried lake each day worth less than 1ex,for the exchange rate is  600 fusing=1ex,2000 chromatic=1ex,110 chaos=1ex here.So i have to choose the Harvest to farming the cards so i can get at least 1 regular ex and something else to get almost 2ex here each day.That makes the transition neccessary for me.

    THX  for your advice and the discussion XD

  3. Hello programming team and support team of eb.could you plz  add an option that makes the bot do not do any transition in a single level of map?I set my bot farming the Harvest,and input a chicken name list of the 3 bosses,because the bot always click into the 3 boss's room and would be slained ezly.But beacause of the chicken name list,the bot keeps reseting the map----farming for a little while------------click into the 3 bosses rooms-----------chicken--------------relogin,loop again and again,wastes too much of time and ruins the efficiency.THX!

  4. 大家好,我是EB的新用戶,到今天使用這隻bot大概已經兩周了。我購買的單人永久卡,一直也只掛一個賬號。目前是按照論壇的指導帖弄的血魔法雙火圖騰build。已經到86等,裝備的防系和輸出數據應該也和那個推薦帖相當了。但目前感到的最大問題還是在產出上。我一直是掛的藏身處自家地圖(出於安全考慮),但平均一周的產出最多不過1到2ex。之前聽說現在還有非工作室的人用bot能做到一天10到15ex。所以在想是不是我哪裡設置的不對?還是說10到15ex的高產出需要具備其他條件?比如多掛幾隻bot?或者也希望大家能分享下自己的產出相關的經驗,給小弟做一個參考,在此先謝過感恩。

  5. 不知你是否有開啟 混沌/富豪配方模式?


    有的話 ,可以去調整存倉等級


    第112行開始 找 [itemLevel] >= "60" 調高。




    在pickit標籤->pick settings欄位內-> chaos recipe mode 選擇Unidentifed(不鑑定) 


    //而如果是傳奇太多 第80 與 81行 註解對調 (81行預設是販售垃圾傳奇)





  6. 若是沒開過點也不是不可以抵達,在map選項頁下有一個勾選項目是use progresssion啥的。該項的意思是,不通過傳送點,而是通過劇情流程的底圖順序抵達傳送點。該項對不受劇情影響的無傳送點地圖很方便,比如惡水池up。但是假如是有先決劇情條件才能開啟的區域,該功能還無法實現抵達,只能等通關功能進一步完善看看。

  7. 1. GGPK 載點:https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzQVOCOkBKXYRmlBTnZUcTVOSEk/view?usp=sharing




      1.載入該目錄Content.ggpk檔->點左邊data 右鍵 Export 到桌面




      2.進入Traditonal Chinese 資料夾 按下貼上且"複製並取代" 



    你好,我將匯出的文件夾和文件按你所說的覆蓋后,該如何匯入?對著visualggk所打開的conten ggk文件視窗下的對應文件夾直接拖入嗎?我這麼做后卻顯示File count = 266

    Unable to replace file Traditional Chinese\AchievementItems.dat -> Missing,文件夾下的每個文件都是如此的樣子……虛心求教!

  8. 兩個garena帳號,雙開或兩台電腦互相交易



  9. 我個人是沒被鎖過(台服掛一年多好幾隻100),國際服是必定會被鎖....





    4.不知用vm或box有沒有危險,我是實體1機1號  0.0






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