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Beta Tester
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Posts posted by duongstun

  1. Whenever you're banned and email support they always say you are welcome to create a new account to play, so no, they don't ban your HWID. Unless you run a massive currency farm that inflate the economy they probably won't give a shit about your HWID.

    I don't even use VMs or VPNs for the last couple of years, got over a dozen accounts banned but never any of the accounts that I play manually. GGG is pretty consistent in their detection of EB lol.

  2. 37 minutes ago, Laber59 said:

    Best skills for bot are AOE
    So it just doesn't happens
    Try Blade Vortex or any AOE clearing spell really
    Like Rain Of Arrows or Toxic Rain
    Summoner builds are nice too (Golemancer!)
    RF ?
    If you are melee just set up max dist for 9 (that's around single sword range without any keystones) so your bot will run towards target. Min dist 0

    Yeah I had chars that run other skills as well (21 of them actually, each using a different skill setup). I'm going through the list of skills to check which one works and which one doesn't

  3. 8 hours ago, SupZerg said:

    Yes, bot has problems with ranged attacks. Range 10 usually works fine. Cooldown is set in milliseconds, so you need to set 1500 to have 1.5s cooldown.

    I'm aware of the timing settings, when I say 1.5s I did mean the value was 1500. Just found it's weird that cooldown doesn't work for this guy since it did work on my totem character.

    I'll try setting the distance down to 10 and see if that changes anything. Thanks

    Btw when you say 'ranged attacks', do you mean wand-based ranged attacks? Because I have 3 other bow chars using ranged attacks (Burning Arrow, Elemental Hit and Ice Shot respectively) and they all run just fine without the targeting bug.


  4. So I recently roll a wander which uses Frenzy as its default attack. For some reasons the bot keeps attacking targets off screen, even when that target is behind walls. This effectively breaks the bot because it will keep attacking the wall forever. I've tried setting the Max Distance value all the way to 10 but that doesn't seem to change its behavior. I've also set the cooldown to 1.5s thinking it will force it to walk around a bit before attacking but that doesn't seem to register either. Any idea?

  5. Hi guys, I have this weird logout bug atm that I don't know how to fix.

    When my character got killed, the bot would apparently attempt a Esc + Logout action, but instead of clicking on Logout it will just open and close the Esc menu, over and over again. And it loops forever.

    It will do this even when I had chicken on HP set to 0, and logout set to TCP Drop.

    It happens regardless of what character I pick (I have 6, they all have that problem)

    Anybody else experiencing some thing similar?

  6. This is perhaps just a conspiracy theory but I believe GGG has always been aware of botters, regardless of whether you use VPN/VMs or not (I mean how could they not, botters behaviours are pretty predictable), but they've been pretty lenient before because botters contribute a sizable amount to their revenue. Now that they have a shit ton of money from their new Chinese overlord, they can rid the game completely off botters. If this is the case, then I guess this is it for EB.

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