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Beta Tester
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About pearl2000

  • Rank
    Bronze V
  1. pearl2000

    map farm bug!!!!!!

    confirm this bug still on 0.60 when having Zana not in your hideout.
  2. pearl2000

    No resurrect after death 0.56

    Have the same issue as you described on 0.59d. But Alkpone once said that TCP disconnect method is broken, kind of. With some people it works fine. Others have this issue. Windows 10 Latest dependencies Sidenote regarding stability I once posted somewhere on the forum: I realized that the bot crashes more likely on timed profile swtiches and idle times. E.g. with me, every 2. -3. time it switches profiles. If turning off profile switching it runs well. Maybe this should go into bug report
  3. pearl2000

    Add more flask to bot

    Ah! you can specify keys in the combat tab and add new ones. Now I understand! Nice !
  4. pearl2000

    Process to hide bot

    Same with me. I can reproduce this on two systems. The second system is a new windows 10 installation with all the latest dependencies like dx_redist, vc 2010, etc. No 2 weeks old. Crashes on both system. But hey, take it as a feature. Anti-Ban feature against excessive botting. The bot never exceeded the 1h limit without crashing. No matter which application I am attaching it to (run as admin, tried all above mentioned app suggestions). Until yet this has been the most unstable bot I have ever used.
  5. pearl2000

    Botting a higher resolutions??

    Anyways I'd like also like to be able to change the resolution for the bot. I'm getting tired of changing resolution when switching from bot mode to manual mode.
  6. pearl2000

    Looping bug when no wisdom scrolls available

    Why does it dump all the scrolls. Have experienced this quite often, too. TP and SW are set to 40.
  7. pearl2000

    0.59d map issue

    I have the nearly the same issue as I can tell. Also the stash priority is ignored always. I set it up to store in a lower number's tab and in the 4 latest tabs while ignoring the tabs inbetween. But the bot ignores the lower stash tab and stores all the stuff in first stash of the latest tabs. I configured it so it should only use the first four tabs but this does not work either. It runs like this: [stash tab config = 1,2,3,4,] [Currency = 5] <- has been renamed Maps are in tab 2 along with other stuff. If stash tab 1 had been opened before, bot walks to stash, opens it and tabs through stash until it hit tab 4. If hit tab 4 -> Idle Log: -> Loading stash tab... -> Selecting stash tab 2... -> Loading stash tab... -> Selecting stash tab 3... -> Loading stash tab... -> Selecting stash tab 4... -> Idling... -> Idling... -> Idling... -> Idling... -> Idling... -> Idling... -> Idling... If stash tab 4 has been opened before, bot opens stash (4 is opened by default now) and tabs through until it hits tab 1 -> idle Log debug is not consisten here! As it debugs 3x times Selecting stash tab 1 as opposed to the logic consequence of previous log above. Log: -> Moving to position(xxxxxxxxxxx). State Priority: 7 -> Loading stash tab... -> Selecting stash tab 1... -> Loading stash tab... -> Selecting stash tab 1... -> Loading stash tab... -> Selecting stash tab 1... -> Idling... -> Idling... -> Idling... -> Idling... -> Idling...
  8. pearl2000

    Add more flask to bot

    This is not applicable if your build relys on skill buttons. This is a feature we could really take good use of.
  9. pearl2000

    BOT try to reset when i make portal from map

    This issue is still present in 0.59d.
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