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About 1pinki1

  • Rank
    Bronze V

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  1. 1pinki1

    How can i activate two of SPELL SLINGER??

    I pmed him on different platforms but no response yet
  2. Hi possible can you add spellslinger as an aura to the bot so we can select it? Spellslinger builds are pretty awesome for botting.
  3. 1pinki1

    Bot is already working for 3.11?

    Usuaully takes 1-2 days
  4. 1pinki1

    Can the bot be used for leveling?

    Its a whole new story questline. Although there is still the option to do the original.
  5. 1pinki1

    Can the bot be used for leveling?

    So many years past and still didnt complete the quest line lol. No point now though since v4 will be out in less than a year.
  6. 1pinki1

    help me...

    I see this bot still has little to no support lol. the forum gets very little traffic and yet they can't even take the time to provide support for the small number of threads per week.
  7. 1pinki1

    whats wrong with this bot???

    im at work at the moment but ill send screenshot later but im pretty sure my settings are correct as i have used this bot many times but with the new update its just not playing if possible are you able to save your profile settings and send them to make? and then i can just import it into mine and try it, i will just move my maps into the same tab you use and currency etc.
  8. 1pinki1

    whats wrong with this bot???

    i changed the stash tab of the maps from 6 to 1 and now its just switching tabs back and forth and is stuck spamming the stash.
  9. 1pinki1

    whats wrong with this bot???

    it doesent even listen to settings. i have set it to run maps and saved it and even tried restarting it but its still trying to run acts...
  10. For some reason he will take out a map and complete it but then he just switches to farming acts.. i have plenty of maps and i have set it to run maps tier 1-9 so he has a lot of options
  11. 1pinki1


    when i configure the settings and press start the bot opens the waypoint then clicks act 4 and then this error occurs
  12. 1pinki1

    Chaos vendor recipe not working as intended

    Yes i did, i think somebody is going to take a look on teamviewer later
  13. 1pinki1

    Chaos vendor recipe not working as intended

    if yours is working could you send me your pickit file please, i tried the one in your signiture already but that didnt work. is the one in your sig set up for unidentified items?
  14. all mine is doing is picking up all the ilvl60+ items it sees and puts them into the stash tab i set but it doesent sell the items and also it stops when the stash tab is full so the bot only runs for like an hour at most before stopping. I checked a guide on the forum but its outdated as the pickit files no longer contain the values he was talking about chaos_recipe_1 and 2 . the bot is picking up ilvl60+ items as it should but its just stashing them until its full and not selling them. and im guessing it should only pick up 1 weapon and 1 chest ect instead of picking up multiple otherwise you could end up with a stash tab full without the full required items but mine seems to pick up multiple weapons and multiple chests ect.
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