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About th33xitus

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  1. th33xitus

    ProximityShield with AshscaleTalisman

  2. th33xitus

    0.56j - Bot would die when idle timer hits

    No i didn't. Didn't even know that there is a TCP disconnect function lol. Thanks for the info!
  3. In this release:https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/6458-release-beta-version-v056f/?p=35209 you introduced, that the bot will kill all nearby mobs before leaving. Same should be done when idle-trigger hits. I set my idle-trigger to instantly logout. The trigger seems too fast for the game to recognize or something. The bot opens esc-menu but clicks too fast and before the cursor is over the logout button. So the bot will stay in ESC-menu while being idle, doing nothing and do not care if there are still any mobs around. Staying idle in ESC-menu while mobs are around will lead to death of char as you all know ^^ I reset areas with relog as well and in this situation the logout works. Maybe because the bot already checked before, that the area is clear.
  4. th33xitus

    Hilfe über TS oder Skype?

    Hast du es inzwischen hinbekommen? Zu 1: Nein Zu 2: Würdest du selbst auch immer nur ein und dieselbe Map farmen? Und das über Stunden, Tage, Wochen, Monate? Frage beantwortet? Wie und wo ist ja nun nicht dein Ernst oder? ^^ Gibt extra nen Reiter "Map" im Programm. Alles weitere sollte sich in dem Fenster nahezu von selbst erklären. Zu 3: Reiter "Combat" und dann mal hier durcharbeiten: https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/5009-guide-skill-configuration/ https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/5216-compendium/
  5. I have Ground Slam (main attack) on prio 9 and Leap Slam (movement) on prio 8. Normally my char jumps from one group to another but not this time. Groundslam has a max distance set up to 25 Leap Slam to 55 with Cooldown for 200 Sometimes he uses Leap Slam and hits them.. sometimes the thing shown above happens. Not THAT much a problem, because the bot will relog after a time... just noticed it and saw it wastes time :'( xD
  6. There are some mobs who have like a sphere-like force-fields (the round yellowish thing around the skeleton) which prevents them from taking damage. You have to get into this shield to deal damage to them otherwise they won't die. This screenshot was taken while the Bot attacked the mob for some minutes until the relog-trigger activated and a new session was created. Is there a way to make the bot detect those enemy force-fields and force him to get as close as possible to that mob?
  7. th33xitus

    Process to hide bot

    CPU-Z 32bit ... never ever crashed...
  8. th33xitus

    0.55d Daresso's Dream Pathing Issue

    The issue still exists in 0.55h :/ Bot enters arena, does not attack anything but tries to exit the arena via the closed gate and gets killed every time.
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