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Posts posted by nigasemaj

  1. I've tried messing with range, amount of monsters, priorities, and different keys (Mouse left/Right,Q,W,E,R,T)


    The only time I get it working is if I put it on the mouse settings. But it ignores everything else and makes the bot get stuck when there aren't enough souls. But, when you get enough souls it just uses it as soon as it can could be 1 target doesn't matter. It also ignores the type of monster Unique/Rare etc. I don't know if I'm setting it up wrong or what. But I can't seem to get it to work.



    Some more testing, bot seemed to follow the Monster Rule AND cast it. I configured it on the mouse wheel key instead. But it now at every rare monster (what I want it to cast it on) It just spams nothing because it doesn't have enough souls. Tried putting a cooldown but it ignores that too. Not sure how these configurations work.

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