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Everything posted by elderkage

  1. elderkage

    Help-Reformated my laptop cause virus from a movie

    THANK YOU VERY MUCH FIXED WONDERFUL BOT i hope i can make 100 uSD off this....lol the dream r real
  2. elderkage

    Help-Reformated my laptop cause virus from a movie

    again im a noob where do i fidn my key again lol
  3. elderkage

    Help-Reformated my laptop cause virus from a movie

    TY i am a noob tyvm
  4. Sup the bot works wonders so far few issues where it wouldnt move but i fix it now i got a virus from a movie torrent completely unrelated to you guys but i active elite membership on the laptop already because of the virus i had to reformat so i believe i lost my 1 session for oe month that i paid for was wondering if we coudl fix that sry for the trouble
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