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About ButtSniffer

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  1. ButtSniffer

    Bot wont sell anything

    Hello, I am having a problem with EB not selling anything. it will just keep everything in the char inventory or puts stuff in the stash if i select it (everything it puts in the stash is worthless). I tried adjusting the cords with the npc option but, no luck. Edit; When i came back from a 5 hour afk my pc was asleep EB was closed and my char was just sitting there with a full inv. i suspect it was trying to loot the vall orb it was sitting in front of. Can my pc shut the monitors off and go to sleep with EB running and still be fine?
  2. ButtSniffer

    EB wont get pass the char selection.

    Thanks for the reply. i DLed the newest version and it works like a charm. I clicked on the DL on teh main page and it gave me the olderversion for some reason.
  3. ButtSniffer

    EB wont get pass the char selection.

    hello trying to set up the free version to test it out before i buy but, I cant get the EB past the char selection menu. I dont have comodo installed and i have tried changing the coordinates to no avail. The cursor is stuck below the delete button on the character menu. running version .26b and the latest version of POE of coarse.
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